Although I am not a student of American Kenpo, I am very familiar with the system, having studied it for some time in the past. I am a shodan in Tracy Kenpo, as well as studying Chen Taijiquan and Baguazhang.
Without just relying on memory, I took a look at a video I have of Mohamad Tabatabai performing Long 4 and I can tell you it is practically identical to the Tracy version. Actually I didnÂ’t see any difference, except we do our salutation and closing differently.
The only major difference I saw was the execution of techniques, and I think that was just Tabatabai, not American Kenpo in general. For example, techques were very small and high, i.e. Thundering Hammers, which is in Tracy and American Kenpo; when performed by Tabatabai, the strikes are small and the groin shot was at shoulder level! Mostly techniques looked like he was fighting someone at least 7” tall!
I am not sure about the staff forms. TracyÂ’s has a few, and the only American Kenpo one I have seen was on a black & white film from the 60Â’s.
I am from the Tracy system, but I can tell you theyÂ’re many more similarities then differences between TracyÂ’s and American Kenpo.
Hope this helps.
The Kenpo Exchange