In the meantime, probably try to learn some basic thai, which will help alot.
Get your visa situation together so its minimal hassle staying for the year or workout your method for staying, there are many blogs on staying in thailand, since in recent years the amount of foreigners going to train is pretty staggering and it resulted in alot of camps really being foreigner friendly for the money.
But there are alot of camps throughout thailand especially in bangkok, some of really great but unknown really to foreigners because they dont really follow the scene and know where alot of the great fighters are training. You can go to fights and go backstage and meet fighters and trainers, go to the muay thai shops and befriend the owners because they know all the camps and maybe can recommend one, alot of ways if you know how to work with people.
If you train in a camp with few if any foreigners you might not even have to pay anything or pay very much but i did pay my trainers on the side something, bought shirts for the fighters as gifts and stuff for the camp, bought meals, water. Pitch in always and be part of the camp like you belong and pay attention to the ajarn.
One important thing is try to follow along and absorb as much as you can, foreigners tend to disrupt the flow with endless questions and disruptions, they train fighters on a daily basis for years and through the small increments building you piece by piece they will get you there. Its not that you dont ask questions and have problems, but they see it and they will correct you and build you up, if you stay with them. Its another culture so do your best to adapt and you will learn alot. Usually after the training you can pull fighters aside or usually they come over and immediately help, its amazing, how preceptive there are to you since they work with you day after day.
Train hard and have fun. Its a wonderful place to train.