Master Dan, I did not learn from a book, and yes I have already admittied that it is a not a way to really learn, In Tae Kwon Do I trained under Master Larry Lucas, and Master Robert Irvan, I had orginally strarted tranning under them at team slain, sorry if that is spelled wrong, Then Master Lucas and Master Irvan split from there and opened up there own school Team Players TKD, which is still in existance, I can't remember the exact year but i think it was in 2002 Master Lucas split from Master Irvan, Master Lucas formed his own school, Team Lucas Center, unfortuantly Master Lucas could not keep his doors open and had to close his dojo. I could have gone back to Master Irvan, but he has always played favoites amoungst his students and that never sat well with me. The reason I do not use my college martial arts clubs/dojos is mostly because the building they are use has a monthly fee, They said it was about 40$, in order to use, and then I would have to pay the club dues and the price of a uniform, Normally the monthly fee would have been taken out of my tuition but I'm technically at a regional campus so that montly fee was not factored in to my tuition and they do not have any clubs at this regional campus. jks9199 I have looked around the Columbus Campus but I have explained why I can't use them already, There are a few Jujitsu dojos around but most of them are at least a half an hour away, and I'll be honest I'm really not interested into MMA or BJJ. Yes I have been doing research into life and death situations, as far as the techniques are concerened we are starting at page one and trying techniques, and I will admit we are more than likely getting them wrong, which is the main reason we are asking for help from people and why I am on this forum. Now I need to ask what do you mean by daycare Tae Kwon Do? I get that you mean easier Tae Kwon Do but I don't understand what you mean in exact terms. Chris, Sorry if I was snappy earlier, I'm not usually that way, So I would like to apologize for my snide remarks. I thank you for your critisim, yes I know my post were spread our over five hours, I had a few short breaks within that time in which I was able to get on and post. As to what makes me qualified to find what I think are good self-defense techniques the answer is nothing. I have already said I have tranning in TKD, I have a little bit of cross tranning in judo, but not much. I already have a feeling as to how you are going to react but there it is. Oaktree, Thank you for your refrences and the links that you provided me with. I think I have answered most, if not all, of the questions you have asked me.