Obsidian Fury
Orange Belt
Hey I'm a Judo practitioner and have been one for 20 or so years, I help my sensei with the Saturday class for kids as an assistant. Recently a new kid enrolled in the Dojo really nice chap he is 8 year old now but has this issue called Hypotonia which affects his muscle tone making his muscles flaccid when they should be tense, he also has very poor balance while static or in motion these are conditions he was born with but he is one hell of a kid he never gives up even when kids younger than him advance much faster. Also he is incredibly strong for someone his size with brute force alone he can carry more than his own weight so he is not weak at all.
Can anyone offer some advice maybe some exercices that I can do with him to improve his muscle tone and balance? I really want to help him out.
Thank you
Can anyone offer some advice maybe some exercices that I can do with him to improve his muscle tone and balance? I really want to help him out.
Thank you