Lisa's Lounge

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Just whatever cheap stuff I had lying around. I need to go to the wine shop again. Remember, I live in a tiny town...I was excited recently to finally find a place that carries two brands of ice wine, which I also like!
Just whatever cheap stuff I had lying around. I need to go to the wine shop again. Remember, I live in a tiny town...I was excited recently to finally find a place that carries two brands of ice wine, which I also like!

:ultracool Most wine stores order stuff they don't have in stock. ;)
So, is the Halloween party actually going to happen tonight? If I have time to get my corpse paint on, and have time to post a picture, I'll stop in and say "Hi." I might be too busy carting my 6-year-old undead pirate (his idea!) around the neighborhood(s) to make the party.
If I don't drop in, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
I raise a glass of Italian Orvieto to mark the passing of the boundary of new beginnings and treat our doorsteps with gifts of chocolate to the mischevious fey who might wish to use this time of magic to disturb our home.

To rebirth and life :cheers:.
Not for those that are still celebrating with the ever lasting hang over.
Well, the Orvieto I was drinking last night has a twin that's still in the wine fridge if you'd care to sample a glass? It's light and crisp, with a palette that's more 'centre & back' than 'front & sides'. It's not totally to my taste, I prefer the bolder Australian chardonnay's but it was a pleasant accompanyment to "Iron Man" :D.
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