All I have is more dammits and a few other choice swear words.
She came home last night and hobbled off the plane. Just looking at her foot in her crocs you could see it was swollen. Brought her home and took off her sock and saw the swelling and the bright blue bruising. It looked like an injury she received yesterday not a week ago. I knew it meant trouble.
Woke her up early and dragged her tired little butt to the sport med clinic at 7 am. The doctor only confirmed what I already kinda knew. Her injury looks serious. He believes she may have ruptured her muscle in her foot. His fear is that it could cause her to become flat footed. He put her in a back slab cast with strict instructions not to put any weight on it for the next four to six weeks and has ordered an MRI to see how bad the damage is. She is to return in two weeks.
All this and her new shooting equipment is arriving next week and she won't be able to use it for a long time.
She is pretty bummed to say the least.
Seeing the injury and understanding the extent of it only makes me prouder of how well she handled the situation and how strong she is for toughing it out. But my husband feels so bad for not taking her to a doctor in Ottawa.
So here is to my little trooper. Her perseverance and love for her sport and strong competitive nature makes her a hero in my eyes. (yes, I am a sap when it comes to my kids

:cheers: To Connor!