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Rich I am definately jealous. A night out for Monday night football sounds great.

Brian guess what, me and Yolana just joined a wine tasting club here and also doing this three bottles a month for it members. So when you come down wine on us.
I know we joined a place called Wine Styles and man do they have the wine and crackers, still do not know why they have crackers?

Some places like to use crackers, bread, etc. in between the drinks so that you can clear the taste from your mouth.

The best wine I have ever had was a Blueberry port that the vineyard only produced fifty bottles of the stuff. It was simply incredible!
Some places like to use crackers, bread, etc. in between the drinks so that you can clear the taste from your mouth.

The best wine I have ever had was a Blueberry port that the vineyard only produced fifty bottles of the stuff. It was simply incredible!

Well I'm not that lucky yet.
The best wine I have ever had was a Blueberry port that the vineyard only produced fifty bottles of the stuff. It was simply incredible!

The best for me was this port that one of the Combat Hapkido masters brought to Colorado one year..The hangover was worth it...
I gotta check with the owner and see if there is a Halloween party here this year..
The best for me was this port that one of the Combat Hapkido masters brought to Colorado one year..The hangover was worth it...
And THAT, my friends, is why I don't drink more than two glasses of wine at a time. I've had hangovers (back in my wild and wooly USMC days) from everything from Tequila to Jack to moonshine and the worst was the wine hangover. When I do drink wine, though, I enjoy a good Valpolicella with anything Italian. I'm a homebrewer of beer (drinking a fresh Irish Stout right now) and have a couple friends who do the wine but we haven't shared back and forth much. Do you find that beer brewers and vinters are just different folks or do they share the same passion with different flavor?
I tell ya letch there was a time in my bouncer days that I could drink beer and do shooters of brandy all night long without worry..
I tell ya letch there was a time in my bouncer days that I could drink beer and do shooters of brandy all night long without worry..
When I was drinking heavy my drink was always a shot of Jack Black with a Bud chaser. All night long and still get up for PT bright and early. Nowadays, I just look at a bottle and my head hurts. I have noticed that I can drink more homebrewed beer than I can store bought and not have any residual effect. Two Buds and my head hurts, no buzz, just headache. My homebrew has more alchohol in it but doesn't give me the noggin' pain.
I just look at a bottle and my head hurts. I have noticed that I can drink more homebrewed beer than I can store bought and not have any residual effect. Two Buds and my head hurts, no buzz, just headache. My homebrew has more alchohol in it but doesn't give me the noggin' pain.

How well I know that..One of my college students that worked as a bartender for me said that store bought beer had minute traces of for-mal-da-hyde in it, he said that's what casued the headaches...
How well I know that..One of my college students that worked as a bartender for me said that store bought beer had minute traces of for-mal-da-hyde in it, he said that's what casued the headaches...
So that's why they call getting drunk "gettin' pickled.":)
How well I know that..One of my college students that worked as a bartender for me said that store bought beer had minute traces of for-mal-da-hyde in it, he said that's what casued the headaches...

So what's the point of putting formaldehyde in there? Trying to get ahead of embalming? :rolleyes:

- Ceicei
They way this kind said it was a by-product of the preservation process...Hey I'm just repeating what I was told..
Unlike wine, beer doesn't get better with age. Once the fermentation (1st and 2nd stage) is done and the beer has been conditioned in the bottle or force carbonated in a cask beer will start to lose it's "freshness". Hence the "born on" date of one of the big breweries. My understanding is that there are certain additives to help maintain the beer at a certain level of taste. After about a month in dark bottles you can start to thell a big difference in the taste.
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