The workout was intense for someone that is new and not in great shape. We started with jump ropes / sit ups in two minute intervals, we then stretched and proceeded into execution. They were very patient with the new people as to how to execute each move and combo properly before we moved into full class movements. After about forty minutes of this we moved into bag work, which was two minutes of "freestyle" using any combo that we had worked on earlier, while another group was on the mats doing "standing mountain climbers" and "jumping jacks" waiting for their turn on the bags there was no down time the entire class. After that we went back to the bags for speed and power punches and knees, by this time I'm dying, the speed and power set took every ounce of my energy because I didn't pace myself and lets face it I'm out of shape and were still not done. For the final move of the night we made a circle on the mat on all fours and did "push up mountain climbers" while we circulated a medicine ball in which we placed in our stomachs and rolled into our abdominal core. I don't know what this does but it hurts and it made me unable to breathe (not that I could at this point anyway). It was an excellent workout one to which I have not felt since Marine Corps boot camp, their knowledgable and capable instructors know how to convey what they want from you in a very motivating way. I recommend them highly.