Flashy kicking...now thats a thought...
One of the reasons why aI got interested in MA was due to pro-wrestling. (Brief pause while laughter dies down.....)
Guy going by the name Stan Lane... part of the Midnight Express (the 80's). He did some of the most fantastic kicks. I later found out he was a martial arts instructor, teaching Savate.
A lot of the stuff the guys in the 90's were doing, this guy was doing 100x better in the 80's.
But I digress....
TKD.... its everywhere I look around me...have seen 3 new schools open up recently... by numbers if there are more of em, theres more bad ones. Nothing against TKD.
Back to Fantasy vs Reality....
People watch these movies and think how cool it would be...sure the hero gets hit 20 times, but he shakes it off....lets go back to prowrestling a moment.... I'm sure anyone who's watched it has seen the famous chair-shot-to-the-head. Wow, that guy took 10...he's still up...
Ever taken a real chair shot? The hurt like hell...
People watch it soo much, they start to think its real...
Most people don't understand how much getting really hammered hurts, or how much they can really take.
The fantasy is that in 6 weeks they will be flying like Neo... The truth is most of em will quit within 3 weeks cuz its too hard.
People suck.