Lilyhammer, right meets left?


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
I was over at the bighollywood site and there is a review of the netflix original show Lilyhammer on the first page. This show is about an American gangster in the witness protection program who ends up in lilyhammer, Norway. The reviewer, John Nolte, says the show is of course about a fish out of water, American gangster in Norway, but the show also highlights the cultural differences in a right, left viewpoint. I haven't watched it yet, but it may be an interesting show. I have a buddy from Norway, I'll ask him what he thinks of the portrayel of his country.

According to the show, the country of Norway is a Leftist’s wet dream. There’s national healthcare, and everything from hunting to building to creating a new business to getting a driver’s license is over-regulated to the point of absurdity. Worse still, the men have mostly been emasculated into sniveling, helpless do-gooders who believe in “conflict resolution,” the church of trash separation, and accepting the unacceptable when it comes to bureaucratic rules.
The entire premise of “Lilyhammer” is to mock, ridicule, and undermine a nanny state that has all but destroyed human ingenuity and creativity. Johnny might be a gangster, but he’s an all-American gangster who has no patience for nonsense and who knows how to get things done. He also does something the eunuchs around him won’t — he’s chivalrous.

That’s the kind show this is. In other words, it’s the kind of show you would never see produced here in America, because every episode revolves around our hero standing up for human liberty, masculinity and even nationalism. Every year Norway holds their own 4th of July, and when Johnny sees that his girlfriend’s son has written a speech about tolerance, peace, love, and multiculturalism — he tells the kid not to apologize for Norway, but to be proud of his country and to stand up for it. The end result is one of the series’ highlights.
It sounds like a good time had by all. I think if people watch this show, with a view to their own lives and dealing with an overly bureaucratic government, even the lefties may enjoy it. I doubt it but there is always hope, after all, almost every show I watch on television has a left leaning perspective, so be brave and give it a view. We'll compare notes...
I forgot to mention the actor in the show is the guy from the E street band who played silvio(?) on the sopranoes, the guy I guess who killed Adriana.
It's Lillehammer btw.

It's a shame that some people have nothing better to do than disparage others, the Norwegians are rightly admired for their courage, their independance and their character. It's a shame too that people believe right wing propaganda to the extent that they don't find the truth out for themselves.
Bill, I am not one for political left-right discourse and but having lived in Norway for a period, I would have to wholeheartedly disagree with the tone of the summary from that piece.

The prevailing politic is social-democratic, and is, like any other political variant, not without its flaws, its detractors (I hope nobody has forgotten the horror of extreme right-wing murder Anders Breivik!) and its mistakes however, the people of Norway are some of the most progressive, positive, warm welcoming and pleasant people I have ever met. The culture is far more peaceful than anything I would encounter here in London - you can travel around at night, people drink and socialise in a wholly different atmosphere than we have here in North London and there is far less by way Saturday night violence that we get here and these are the tangible results of left-leaning politics there.

My only point is to ask what is more important, the reality of life in a nation under a certain type of doctrine or the adoption of the opposite theory for purely idealistic reasons?

Anyway, this is purely anecdotal experience. I am not a political commentator, I just happen to like Norway :) I wish you well.
Mmmm ... Nordic blondes ... *twin* Nordic blondes ... oh, ahem, sorry :blush:. Just reliving a teenage weekend when my best friends Swedish cousins came to stay {drifts off in a reverie} :lol:
Mmmm ... Nordic blondes ... *twin* Nordic blondes ... oh, ahem, sorry :blush:. Just reliving a teenage weekend when my best friends Swedish cousins came to stay {drifts off in a reverie} :lol:

LOl, we regularly have Norwegian fighters come over on our shows, they are the male equivalant! Absolutely gorgeous and virile, try telling them their country stinks and you'll find out how 'weak' they are! As Jenna says the Norweigans are some of the nicest most decent peole going. There's no reason to rubbish them for political reasons.

Norway is a constitutional monarchy with the King as Head of State. He's also Colonel in Chief of our local regiment and comes across to see them quite often, our local town is also twinned with a Norway town so we have a lot of visits. The people of Norway as Jenna said are good people.
Mmmm ... Nordic blondes ... *twin* Nordic blondes ... oh, ahem, sorry :blush:. Just reliving a teenage weekend when my best friends Swedish cousins came to stay {drifts off in a reverie} :lol:
You had ABBA in your bedroom! I am envious :D

Yes, unfortunately for all the sweet and modern positive (and handsome!) Norwegians there are also plenty of crackpot right-wing extremists such as Varg Vikernes and as you know Anders Breivik et al.

The Norwegian black metal scene is one of many manifestations of this darker side of Norwegian culture. When I was there, the non-musical fanatics were burning churches! and which was not so well reported over here.

Like anywhere, Norway is not without its problems. I do not know how what I am saying fits into the discussion of left-right, apologies.
You had ABBA in your bedroom! I am envious :D

Yes, unfortunately for all the sweet and modern positive (and handsome!) Norwegians there are also plenty of crackpot right-wing extremists such as Varg Vikernes and as you know Anders Breivik et al.

The Norwegian black metal scene is one of many manifestations of this darker side of Norwegian culture. When I was there, the non-musical fanatics were burning churches! and which was not so well reported over here.

Like anywhere, Norway is not without its problems. I do not know how what I am saying fits into the discussion of left-right, apologies.

You are proving that Norway is a country that is not as described in the OP! While not good burning churches is hardly the actions of the wimps described, it shows too that not all think alike, in fact it sounds like a democratic country with a range of thought and political beliefs.

There comes a point when this need to prove the left to be 'wrong' takes a downward spiralling descent into falsehood, insults and plain fantasy. Far from being a comedy it's becoming actually offensive.
Embracing a gangster as your standard of right-wing excellence?

Bill, I think you're unintentionally revealing a few things about your political outlook...
You had ABBA in your bedroom! I am envious :D

Oh now you've gone and slipped Agnetha Faltskog into my head :lol:.

Like anywhere, Norway is not without its problems. I do not know how what I am saying fits into the discussion of left-right, apologies.

That's a "quoted for truth" moment right there. If more of us realised that more of the time then I reckon there'd be a lot more international harmony than there is presently.
LOl, we regularly have Norwegian fighters come over on our shows, they are the male equivalant! Absolutely gorgeous and virile, try telling them their country stinks and you'll find out how 'weak' they are! As Jenna says the Norweigans are some of the nicest most decent peole going. There's no reason to rubbish them for political reasons.

Norway is a constitutional monarchy with the King as Head of State. He's also Colonel in Chief of our local regiment and comes across to see them quite often, our local town is also twinned with a Norway town so we have a lot of visits. The people of Norway as Jenna said are good people.

Aside from sending me into the gal equivalent of Suke's moments....

The King of Norway is the Colonel in Chief of your local regiment?
(I am sure it has a lot to do with all them royals mixing it up, but do tell. That's really sort of weird. Weirder than having the King of Sweden be the Duke of a small dutchy in south west Germany)
Actually Tez, you are incorrect, the name of the show is "Lilyhammer," why the norwegians who make the show spelled it that way is something to take up with them, as is the social commentary on their country. I saw the first two episodes, not bad.

I don't embrace criminals empty hands, the show could just as easily have been about any American moving to Norway, but the interest in organized crime shows seems universal. The conservative value of respect for the individual, and standing up to bullies, without hand wringing or apologies, is something you don't see a lot of in American television, I wonder what is up with this Norwegian show.

Jenna, what makes the killer in Norway a "right-winger?" I have had discussions like this with others so a new person to discuss this with would be nice.
Actually Tez, you are incorrect, the name of the show is "Lilyhammer," why the norwegians who make the show spelled it that way is something to take up with them, as is the social commentary on their country. I saw the first two episodes, not bad.

I don't embrace criminals empty hands, the show could just as easily have been about any American moving to Norway, but the interest in organized crime shows seems universal. The conservative value of respect for the individual, and standing up to bullies, without hand wringing or apologies, is something you don't see a lot of in American television, I wonder what is up with this Norwegian show.

Jenna, what makes the killer in Norway a "right-winger?" I have had discussions like this with others so a new person to discuss this with would be nice.

Well it just goes to show what a complete load of BS the whole thing is doesn't it when it can't even spell, cheap and insulting rubbish embraced by people who spell red backwards.
The killer in Norway is a self confessed right winger.
Its a fiction TV show im not sure why everyones getting so worked up. Tez you might like it you've never watched it how do you know its a complete load of BS. I've never seen it myself so I can't say if its BS or not but I do know its NOT real so no reason to get all worked up over it.
Its a fiction TV show im not sure why everyones getting so worked up. Tez you might like it you've never watched it how do you know its a complete load of BS. I've never seen it myself so I can't say if its BS or not but I do know its NOT real so no reason to get all worked up over it.

Of course you don't know why I get annoyed at Bili posts, he deliberately posts stuff up that are derogatory towards Europeans and to anyone who is to the left of him, which includes Maggie Thatcher btw. If he were European and saying these things about America and Americans wouldn't you be annoyed? All this nonsense about how the right are angels and the left devils and how the Nazis were leftists ( my mothers family were to the left, do you think they would have been spared death in the camps if the Nazis had also been left?). there is nothing he can't find to insult Europeans and the left with, films, television, healthcare, so called freedom, all are denigrated and mocked by him as being inferior to his precious right wing American dream. ( Now watch people say I'm anti American because I said that) I won't put him on ignore unlike some because I will always call BS on fascism and it's adherents, instead of just mouthing the words about freedom I believe in it, all these slures against the left, Europe, the UK and now Norway, why should they be left unchallenged? Bili posts these up to be insulting, I don't get insulted I will challenge it every time. I am still laughing at the idea of him lecturing someone from the former USSR on what is 'left' and how everything wrong in American colleges is the fault of the left. If that's so where is your freedom that you are dictated to by one side only?
The programme may not be real but Bili's right wing twisting and turning certainly is, it wasn't posted as a critique on a television show it was posted in the Study as political comment, if you read his comments he's intending it as another slur on the left. Just get another little dig in there eh? he's not suggesting we watch the show with the intent of being amused, he's suggesting it as an indictment of Norway. This is the man who find political movements in Star Trek and the Muppets film as communist propagandafor goodness sake. As I said he goes to far, it's either deliberate slagging off of Europe or it's trolling in poor taste.

I think any programme that attracts the kind of reviews this one does certainly is BS.
I think it's safe to assume that even Attila the Hun is left of billi....
To Bill, yes, I am not sure what the question is exactly. Can you rephrase for me? I am not au fait with political theory and I would usually defer to other people who have more of an interest :)

Varg Vikernes espouses religious intolerance, racism and a plethora of neo-Nazi, anti-semitic, anti-Christian and anti-American sentiment. I had heard him talking of Quisling too in a favourable way so you can see where his ideologies came from. To my mind everyone is entitled to their views no matter how extreme I do not argue with that. And but I think acting upon those predilections culminating in arson of churches and murder can never be condoned. His propaganda and babblings are on the internet if you have the stomach for it. The term used to describe someone who lives by these ideologies is far right or extreme right, yes? My definition may not be the correct one and I may sound stupid. If it is a trick question that is ok too :) as political theory is not my thing I was only making an observation about the nature of life in Norway under a left-leaning government from the point of view of a girl who lived there for a time when she was younger (me) :)
Jenna, your observastion by anyone other than Bili's standard's that this chap is indeed right wing, far right actually is correct. However Bili is going to come back and tell you that he is left wing. This is a Bili definition, he will also tell you that the Nazis are left wing and everything evil comes from socialism and the left wing. This is a common theme running through all his posts and I mean all, whatever the actual subject.

Most people are patriotic, most have their political views however most of us don't feel the need to put down every other country as being inferior just so we can feel good about our country. You can see your country's faults, you can see where things are wrong but you can still feel tremendous pride in your country because it is your country, there's no pride in thinking you are only better because evryone else is crap. You don't have to make things up about other's political views, you don't have to belittle them, tell lies about them, malign them, you can oppose them honestly and truthfully. Point out where you think they are wrong but don't blame them for every bad thing under the sun. All this sniping at Europeans and at people who lean to the left, all the insults and downright lies belittles only the person doing it. As with Sean Penn, opening your mouth and showing your ignorance does you no favours.
Tez, you keep saying I said Thatcher was a socialist, I keep saying I think you misinterpreted someone elses post on that. Why do I continue to talk about Europe and what goes on there? The simple reason is that politicians on the left, in our democrat party, love everything European and want to bring all of it here to America. They love your high taxes, your mass transit system, your national healthcare, your policies on free speech, your gun control policies, and I want people to know what that would mean if they succeed.

The President of the U.S. thinks our constitution didn't go far enough in giving redistributionist powers to the government.
5 of 9 supreme court justices believed it was okay for the government to take private property from one individual and give it to another individual, if it would increase the tax revenue to that government body.
2 of the supreme court justices look at foreign law to justify their decisions on our constitution and Ginsberg suggests that new democracies look to the constitution of south africa, instead of the U.S. constitution to set up their governments.

As Mark Steyn points out about British healthcare, it came about at a time when the corruption was not as damaging to the healthcare system. When we adopt European style healthcare, and the democrats can't wait for it, our system will be filled with corruption from the start.

Those are some of the reasons I point out the problems with Europe, too many American politicians want your lifestyle over here.

The nazis and communists are both socialists. That they fought and killed each other is not a surprise, it was a struggle for power and control.