Life Sentence For Smart Kidnapping


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
By JENNIFER DOBNER, Associated Press – 1 hr 9 mins ago
SALT LAKE CITY – Elizabeth Smart finally got her chance Wednesday to confront the street preacher convicted of holding her captive and raping her for months when she was just 14. Now 23, she stood tall in the courtroom — stoic, with an even voice and a strength Brian David Mitchell clearly lacked.
Mitchell, frail and skinny with a long, peppery white beard, sang hymns softly and closed his hollow eyes, just as he did throughout his trial, just as he would moments later as the judge gave him two life sentences without parole. That did not stop Smart from looking right at him and coolly speaking her piece.
It took her about 30 seconds.
"I don't have very much to say to you. I know exactly what you did," said Smart, wearing a houndstooth checked skirt, an ivory jacket and pearls. "I know that you know that what you did was wrong. You did it with full knowledge ... but I have a wonderful life now and no matter what you do, you will never affect me again.
"You took away nine months of my life that can never be returned. You will have to be held responsible for those actions, whether it's in this life or the next, and I hope you are ready for when that time comes."

I remember this when I lived in Utah. Even was on a brief search for her in the mountains. Now 9 years later the case finally gets it's day in court. Elizabeth grew up into a very strong and intelligent woman. I love that line " matter what you do, you will never affect me again..." Bravo young lady... bravo!

Part of me hopes that she will be able to positively influence and inspire other victims of the crimes she had to endure. That horrors like this can be overcome and life can go on positively.

The scumbag is going to die in prison and that's a good thing, removal of this perverted near human being from our society is necessary. He tried several times to pretend he was mentally ill... but eventually he lost out and revealed himself.
I am happy to see she has the toughness and courage to not let being a victim turn her into a perpetual victim. Kudos to her!