Sadder than the Tragedy


Sr. Grandmaster
Hard to believe that there are aspects of a tragedy as big as 9/11 that are sadder than the loss of life and disruption of our lives.

However, while it brought out the best in most, in some it brought out the worst. And I am not even talking about the scum that tried to scam the channels for profit.

It was a few years after. Maybe 6 years ago, maybe 5.
I am a member of a forum dedicated to a TV show mostly geared towards kids, but smart enough to attract adult audience as well (just so you know I am not a perv posing as kid! ;))

One girl stood out in the bunch. She was pleasant, and popular.
She was very open about her life. She sounded sad. You know, not having a lot, etc...
Then she said her father was killed on 9/11, posting pictures of her stuffed animal, supposedly a gift from her dad when she was 5, you know, all those things that make you sad.

I forgot the exact circumstance...
But it finally came out: All bogus, all made up.
I can't fathom the need to latch on to a tragedy to garner attention. All I can say it is was really sad.
And it was all unecessary, too, as the other kids on the forum had embraced her as friend. Even after all this came to light she was not shunned. (the youth of today is much better than it's reputation!)

Of course, with that much egg on her face she faded away. I sometimes wonder how she is doing.

There are 3000 families directly impacted by the loss of a family member, many more by the proximity of the impact. As a whole mankind will never forget.
I suppose chances are you will run into a true victim of that sad day at some time or another, in person or on the net...

But still there is that element of 'why would you fake it' that makes me sad for a person, thinking that only this way they can gain acceptance or attention.

Indeed, sadder than the tragedy.
Aye that is sad, indeed.

What is also sad is that many who were not directly harmed by the attack on the World Trade Centre were still damaged by it. I read an article on the BBC last week about a New York chap whose life was essentially destroyed by what he saw that day. Broken bones you can fix; broken souls are harder sometimes.
In high school it was an unofficial competition used as a method to secure popularity. "I known bad long as I known bad" is a common way of people trying to say "I'm better than you because I had a worse life and had to strive harder. Not only that but I don't need you to feel sorry for me because I'm so strong. My life and all it's difficulty have taught me more than it has you so ask me, I know the answers." etc.

If you don't have a tragedy to milk you invent one. It's disgusting but quite common. People are boring. They want to seem interesting to stand out in a positive or seemingly positive way.
Integrity has to be it's own reward, which isn't a tangible reward so it loses importance. OTH people can put spin on an image to inflate themselves and appear to have integrity or value to gullible or naive people. Image gets rewarded with acceptance and inflated ego, integrity can't compete with image in the same way an honest politician with bad news will never defeat a silver tongued liar. Our desire for popularity and acceptance is intense and the majority of people are judgemental over petty details and shallow. Many with integrity cave.
I had the displeasure to converse with a truly damaged person last year around this time.
it was really sad to see the amount of damage that was allowed to fester and grow in that person's mind. PTSD does not just affect combat troops.

but these are the events that make or break us.
It's sad because people fall for it and people get away with it, so it continues.

Well, it's not sad that people fall for it. I find it kind of heart warming that they still have compassion. It is sad that people feel the need to do it though.
(and then it will be sad as more people get turned away from being burned by an imposter)
Many people feel inadequate, so they build up fantasy and then sell to the people around them. It tends to work good until you get caught. The first question to ask is why do they feel inadequate? The second is what can be done to allow them to know they don't need that to be accepted for what good they have in them?

The first question is hard enough. The second is real tough as a rule.

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