Licentiousness breeds extremism

Maybe now , but I grew up in Toronto in the 70s, I am sure Ken can confirm how terrible it was for South Asians in Toronto at the time and even anyone who looked different. They were called "pakis" and physically attacked regularly.

Even me , I am of Portuguese and Chinese background, that was close enough for me to be called Paki growing up.

I've never understood how the term Paki or Pak became a slur. Given that the suffix -istan means "place of [whatever it's attached to]" and that the people who originate from the other stans are generally referred to in the same manner - Afghans, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Khazaks, Tajiks - how is it that Pak(i) is not only not the correct term for the people of that area but actually warrants a "ZOMG you racist!" reaction?
I've never understood how the term Paki or Pak became a slur. Given that the suffix -istan means "place of [whatever it's attached to]" and that the people who originate from the other stans are generally referred to in the same manner - Afghans, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Khazaks, Tajiks - how is it that Pak(i) is not only not the correct term for the people of that area but actually warrants a "ZOMG you racist!" reaction?

Because its used by (primarily white) folks in English speaking countries (more in Canada/UK than here or Australia) to refer to a tan-skinned person that looks like they are from that part of the world.
Because its used by (primarily white) folks in English speaking countries (more in Canada/UK than here or Australia) to refer to a tan-skinned person that looks like they are from that part of the world.

...? So, a word becames a racist slur through improper usage?

Is Mexican going to become a slur because nobody knows what a Venezuelan looks like?
I've never understood how the term Paki or Pak became a slur. Given that the suffix -istan means "place of [whatever it's attached to]" and that the people who originate from the other stans are generally referred to in the same manner - Afghans, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Khazaks, Tajiks - how is it that Pak(i) is not only not the correct term for the people of that area but actually warrants a "ZOMG you racist!" reaction?

Because the correct way to refer to a citizen of Pakistan is Pakistani.
I think that that in itself highlights one of the problems wrapped up in this connundrum.

'Limey' or 'Yank' or 'Cannuck' or 'Ivan' or even 'Frog' are all seemingly acceptable racial 'tags' yet 'Paki', 'Nip', 'Fritz', 'Taffy', 'Paddy' et al are all verboten and hideously racist.

People could really do with stopping being offended on other peoples behalf and being offended by things that don't really weigh too heavily in the scales.
During the substantial time I spent in England, when I heard the word "Paki" the word "dirty" usually preceded it. Words that should be emotionally neutral because of their origin are often distorted and turned into racial epithets, just because of the context in which they are most often used. To pretend otherwise is to be naive.
Who on earth were you hanging out with, Jenny?

In nearly 50 years of living in or near the city with possibly the highest percentage of Indians and Pakistani's (and going to university in the heart of the highest concentration of same) I never heard the like!

Would you like to know who are the most racist people in Britain with regard to Pakistani's? Indians.

But in the end what makes something or someone racist is context and intent, as you say. Sadly, as some of the above posters, including me, have been trying to illustrate, it's not a level playing field and is overly populated with good-intentioned but essentially naive people in positions of authority who act to make the situation worse.
Who on earth were you hanging out with, Jenny?

In nearly 50 years of living in or near the city with possibly the highest percentage of Indians and Pakistani's (and going to university in the heart of the highest concentration of same) I never heard the like!

Would you like to know who are the most racist people in Britain with regard to Pakistani's? Indians.

From what I understand the word as a racial slur originated in Britain when a large South Asian immigration from Uganda occurred. The word became "popular" in Toronto, every minority from Chinese to black were referred to as Paki, even the Indians.
I was going to attempt to elaborate but instead I'll go to bed.
The collapse of all restraint in society is pushing some Muslims to the edge of reason

He confesses that he does try to lower his gaze in front of females, wonders if he should get married because he is getting too aroused. You could make a movie, a Taxi Driver for our times, about just such an anti-hero, the hormonal male who is expected to live a life of total abstinence in the middle of licentiousness.

its because we drink and party and we women don't cover up! so he got to TRY to lower his gaze! Oh my. Nasty.

btw this is sarcasm, of course.
Too aroused for what? What about every other male he see's around him? What does he think they are doing? Grabbing women and dragging them behind the bushes for a quickie? Too aroused my ****! Once again I say someone wanting to PLAY without wanting to PAY. I say TFB. Cry me a river.
Hey, why did this degenerate into a Race issue? WTF? This guy was an ****. It had nothing to do with race, it had to do with abdiacting responsibility for his OWN freely chosen actions. Human beings have Free Will. He excersised his. Well now he can just damn well grow a pair, quit whining and deal with the concequences of his actions. Christ I hate it when I have more balls than some of the men on this planet. It's just disorients me.

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