Licentiousness breeds extremism

Ken Morgan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 9, 2009
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Ok. So its our fault that terrorists can't control their hormones. Gotcha.

The collapse of all restraint in society is pushing some Muslims to the edge of reason

Monday, 11 January 2010

On blogs now thought to be written by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian accused of trying to blow up a plane over Detroit, you are given the impression from news reports that he was a lonely boy, unhappy with his peers who drank and partied. At university he apparently cut himself off, tried to hold on to Islamic Puritanism in a country of no shame, no restraint. Millions of Britons of all backgrounds are alarmed by the dissipation and debauchery that now defines Britain.

For Umar Farouk and many other Muslim men like him, living in such a landscape is literally intolerable. He confesses that he does try to lower his gaze in front of females, wonders if he should get married because he is getting too aroused. You could make a movie, a Taxi Driver for our times, about just such an anti-hero, the hormonal male who is expected to live a life of total abstinence in the middle of licentiousness.
This is the "No, you don't understand. I was Really Really Horney!" defence.

Ummmmm No. Men have more control than this, unless they are seriously compromised to begin with. In that case however they are likely to go Code Red when the pressure inside thier private hell reaches critical mass regardless of what specific "isms" are manifested to the outside world. The next one could be obsessed with the lack of stars in the Nevada desert due to the Neon shimmer from Sodom. Time to take out Vegas with an IED.
Somehow the "I was just so horney" smacks of desperation and self deception. I call ********. :BSmeter:
This is the "No, you don't understand. I was Really Really Horney!" defence.

Its not that far fetched.

Thats the reason i got a 68 in grade 12 math. If on the final exam they hadn't put me beside that hot cheerleader I know i would have done better. It wasn't my fault!!
It's all very well them going on about all this sin and licentiousness but they never say where exactly it is so we can go and check it our for ourselves, purely in the name or research of course! I so need to be shocked and dismayed too!:ultracool
Moral of the story: don't immigrate to a country whose culture(s) you can't handle.
Its not that far fetched.

Thats the reason i got a 68 in grade 12 math. If on the final exam they hadn't put me beside that hot cheerleader I know i would have done better. It wasn't my fault!!

So close to a 69 you could taste it!
Actually I failed a college course for exactly the same reason. That, and I just really couldn't understand the material. But it's all my hawt professor's fault.
That works both ways. I couldn`t concentrate at all in my 12th grade English class because of the hot Japanese exchange student sitting across from me. However, in gym class you could put my behind Dawn D., the amazingly hot cheerleader in short shorts, and I could run laps all day w/o realizing I was getting tired. Those were the days.....:ladysman:
I think it is yet another exemplar of what we have touched on several times before ... multi-culturalism is a myth. It simply cannot work. A society has to be cohesive to be a society.

We can all be as liberal minded, open-hearted and tolerant as we like and if there is a staunch minority of whatever 'stripe' then you end up with friction and attendant problems between 'races' (which is not where the fault lies at all).

I know that some here consider me a hopeless bleeding-heart liberal (the abusive interpretation of an otherwise good word) but if you want to live in my country and be part of it then be British - otherwise go back where you came from if you weren't born here or, if you were, go where the culture you want actually exists.
Moral of the story: don't immigrate to a country whose culture(s) you can't handle.
Or don't allow immigration to people who have no intention of assimilating into the community and culture of the country they are moving to.
Moral of the story: don't immigrate to a country whose culture(s) you can't handle.

I kinda doubt it was his choice. The story doesn't say what age he is but there are a couple of cultural points that lead me to believe that Mr. Farouk is a young man -- late teens, early 20s tops.

Its not unheard of for a person to emigrate at that age, but it is more unusual. I think its much more likely that it was his parents who decided to emigrate to the UK when Mr. Farouk was a minor.

I think the moral of the story needs an addendum a parent! Don't immigrate in to a country that you think your CHILDREN will have a difficult time as they go through their changes in life.
I think it is yet another exemplar of what we have touched on several times before ... multi-culturalism is a myth. It simply cannot work. A society has to be cohesive to be a society.

We can all be as liberal minded, open-hearted and tolerant as we like and if there is a staunch minority of whatever 'stripe' then you end up with friction and attendant problems between 'races' (which is not where the fault lies at all).

I know that some here consider me a hopeless bleeding-heart liberal (the abusive interpretation of an otherwise good word) but if you want to live in my country and be part of it then be British - otherwise go back where you came from if you weren't born here or, if you were, go where the culture you want actually exists.

I don’t think multiculturalism is a myth so much as it has a very short life span.

I chatted with a Pakistani friend of mine the other day; he came to Canada 40 years ago. When he goes back for a visit, he says after one week he’s ready to come back home. My parents came to Canada from the UK 50 years ago, the same holds true for them, a week or two is about all they can handle, and then they just want to come home.

I think our governments preach multiculturalism but the reality if very different. People simply will assimilate. Some places demand assimilation quickly, others let immigrants take their time, but they will almost all assimilate eventually. Within a generation or three the language and culture is gone and the immigrants are just like everyone else.

It takes a great effort to not assimilate into a culture and I think these people are the minority, and not the rule.

The Amish, the Mennonites and the Haredi jews all make a concerted effort to live within a culture and yet stay apart. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the more orthodox muslims ended up doing something similar sometime.

This article is simply about not taking responsibility for oneself or ones actions. They are transferring any and all responsibility regarding wrong doing onto others.
Actually I failed a college course for exactly the same reason. That, and I just really couldn't understand the material. But it's all my hawt professor's fault.

Huh. Funny, not understand the course material was never an obstacle to passing as long as I HAD a hot Prof. ( well perhaps, 'overheated' is a better term :angel:)
Huh. Funny, not understand the course material was never an obstacle to passing as long as I HAD a hot Prof. ( well perhaps, 'overheated' is a better term :angel:)

You really have a way of messing with peoples minds, you know.
I kinda doubt it was his choice. The story doesn't say what age he is but there are a couple of cultural points that lead me to believe that Mr. Farouk is a young man -- late teens, early 20s tops.

Its not unheard of for a person to emigrate at that age, but it is more unusual. I think its much more likely that it was his parents who decided to emigrate to the UK when Mr. Farouk was a minor.

I think the moral of the story needs an addendum a parent! Don't immigrate in to a country that you think your CHILDREN will have a difficult time as they go through their changes in life.

Actually this guy is being more than offensive as he isn't an immigrant nor are his parents, they live in Nigeria, he was only here for a college course. He was refused a visa to carry on at college because he was considered a threat. He is Nigerian not British. He is commenting on a culture he isn't part of and has only seen from spending a few months here. He would have finished his college course and gone back to Nigeria if he hadn't been banned.
I would bet money that the real issue for this guy and others like him isn't the "collapse of restraint in society". It's the fact that, as an outsider, he doesn't understand the rules of the society well enough to participate. Here we have a young man in his sexual prime who is surrounded by women who show their bodies a lot more than he's accustomed to, have a more casual attitude toward sex, and generally give the impression of being "easy" as defined by his own society. And despite all that, he still can't manage to hook up.

How frustrating is that? That's a big hit to the pride, so you manipulate the narrative so that it's more flattering to you. It's not "I'm a socially inept loser that can't get the low-hanging fruit", it's "I'm a strong warrior of Islam who steadfastly refuses to be tempted by this morally decadent society." Soothes the ego and channels the frustration into good ol' self-righteous anger. This guy is cut from the same cloth as that Korean kid at Virginia Tech and the guy who went on a shooting spree at the gym.
I would bet money that the real issue for this guy and others like him isn't the "collapse of restraint in society". It's the fact that, as an outsider, he doesn't understand the rules of the society well enough to participate. Here we have a young man in his sexual prime who is surrounded by women who show their bodies a lot more than he's accustomed to, have a more casual attitude toward sex, and generally give the impression of being "easy" as defined by his own society. And despite all that, he still can't manage to hook up.

How frustrating is that? That's a big hit to the pride, so you manipulate the narrative so that it's more flattering to you. It's not "I'm a socially inept loser that can't get the low-hanging fruit", it's "I'm a strong warrior of Islam who steadfastly refuses to be tempted by this morally decadent society." Soothes the ego and channels the frustration into good ol' self-righteous anger. This guy is cut from the same cloth as that Korean kid at Virginia Tech and the guy who went on a shooting spree at the gym.

Very well said.

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