As instructors, mastors and owners of Dojangs have you had to deal with this and how have you handled it. I know one thing I have had to do related to any unknown new male students due to the fact i have children in the classes I require background check before even starting class period and after that they cannot have serious current DV or felony assault issues.
I also get alot due to our location mental issues especially Schizophrenia which can be totally disruptive inapropriate or even dangerous to have around students you need to be able to spot these and other disorders fast some you can council work with and help others you just can't have it.
I have to remove forceably at least two or more a year generally strong verbal commands sometimes physical with police involved.
As regards the LGBT I am committed to helping anyone I can if it does not impact the students or put anyone at risk. There have been times I have worried about opinion of parents or ultra consevative church organizations but in the majority the parents of my students have been supportive but it has been dificult at times change a he to a she in class out of respect due to the fact the government now considers that person a she and they conduct themselves properly and frankly one of the better people in this community?
is this the 900 pound Gorila in the room or does anyone else but me deal with this??
I also get alot due to our location mental issues especially Schizophrenia which can be totally disruptive inapropriate or even dangerous to have around students you need to be able to spot these and other disorders fast some you can council work with and help others you just can't have it.
I have to remove forceably at least two or more a year generally strong verbal commands sometimes physical with police involved.
As regards the LGBT I am committed to helping anyone I can if it does not impact the students or put anyone at risk. There have been times I have worried about opinion of parents or ultra consevative church organizations but in the majority the parents of my students have been supportive but it has been dificult at times change a he to a she in class out of respect due to the fact the government now considers that person a she and they conduct themselves properly and frankly one of the better people in this community?
is this the 900 pound Gorila in the room or does anyone else but me deal with this??