Letter to Santa leads to Texas molestation charge

Bob Hubbard

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(12-16) 18:06 PST Pharr, Texas (AP) --
Police in south Texas say a 9-year-old girl's letter to Santa may have finally stopped a nightmare of sexual abuse for her and her 10-year-old sister.

Police allege that for as long as four years, Andres Enrique Cantu sexually abused the girls in their bedrooms while they slept or did their homework. Cantu is a computer lab aide at an alternative high school but has not been accused of crimes against students there.

The white-haired Cantu, 55, shuffled into court in leg irons and handcuffs for the second time in less than a week Tuesday to face a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a young child. He did not have an attorney present.

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(12-16) 18:06 PST Pharr, Texas (AP) --
Police in south Texas say a 9-year-old girl's letter to Santa may have finally stopped a nightmare of sexual abuse for her and her 10-year-old sister.

Police allege that for as long as four years, Andres Enrique Cantu sexually abused the girls in their bedrooms while they slept or did their homework. Cantu is a computer lab aide at an alternative high school but has not been accused of crimes against students there.

The white-haired Cantu, 55, shuffled into court in leg irons and handcuffs for the second time in less than a week Tuesday to face a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a young child. He did not have an attorney present.

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I hope they throw the book at this POS..The boys in general population LOVE child molesters...
If he's guilty....
Remember, innocent until proven guilty....
but once proven....
I'd let the boys know, and then I'd turn up that new MegaDeth CD for a little while before I see how he's settlin in.....
Looks like the girl will get her Christmas wish... thank goodness for that.

If more kids would come out and "break the secret" a lot more pedos would go to jail and a lot less of these heinous crimes would be committed. A lot of them happen and continuously because of the "secret" that is kept between the abuser and his victims.
Children MUST realize that these type of secrets should not be kept. Especially if they want the hurt to stop.
If he's guilty....
Remember, innocent until proven guilty....
but once proven....
I'd let the boys know, and then I'd turn up that new MegaDeth CD for a little while before I see how he's settlin in.....

I always thought it guilty until proven innocent......? LOL! :)
If more kids would come out and "break the secret" a lot more pedos would go to jail and a lot less of these heinous crimes would be committed. A lot of them happen and continuously because of the "secret" that is kept between the abuser and his victims.
Children MUST realize that these type of secrets should not be kept. Especially if they want the hurt to stop.

Amen Brother...Its another of the never ending battles...
Looks like the girl will get her Christmas wish... thank goodness for that.

If more kids would come out and "break the secret" a lot more pedos would go to jail and a lot less of these heinous crimes would be committed. A lot of them happen and continuously because of the "secret" that is kept between the abuser and his victims.
Children MUST realize that these type of secrets should not be kept. Especially if they want the hurt to stop.

(emphasis mine)

This can only be done if it's an active part of conversation. Frank, open conversation. I didn't know what was happening to me was wrong - just private. Little kids are rarely wired that way.

I'm SO happy for these girls that the source of their torture has been removed. Now, they will have to deal with a new source - their minds. Those who pray, please keep praying for them.
You'd be surprised how many social service contacts begin Santa letters. "Dear Santa, For Christmas I'd like some food. And I wanna mattress without bedbugs and some clothes without holes..."
(emphasis mine)

This can only be done if it's an active part of conversation. Frank, open conversation. I didn't know what was happening to me was wrong - just private. Little kids are rarely wired that way.

I'm SO happy for these girls that the source of their torture has been removed. Now, they will have to deal with a new source - their minds. Those who pray, please keep praying for them.
True and it's also important to make the child understand that NONE-OF-IT was their fault. They should not be held one wit accountable for what happened. Sometimes they get scared NOT to tell because they're worried about being blamed and getting in trouble for letting it happen.
It sometimes helps (and sometimes doesn't) if the parent is honest and upfront with their own abuse (if any) to let the child feel that common bond.
It's not easy but letting them know that it wasn't their fault is one of the important things.

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