Leopard Kung Fu

Baby powder causes cancer in nether regions. Hand cream? Eeew.
Oh I didn't mean for the vagina. I thought you were talking about back rubs and caressing.

I work with my hands a lot, on top of iron body training. A little lube goes a long way, whether it's powder, cream, or silicone/water based. You just use the right one for the right situation.
Unfortunately lots of babies exposed to that.
Na he's talking about the lawsuit against Johnson and Johnson, long term use of talcum being linked to ovarian cancers.

Baby powder is perfectly safe when used correctly. But for a long time many woman would use it as a drying/deodorant product downstairs.

If it was hurting babies it wouldn't still be on the shelf.
Depending on how you currently do iron palm (like with a traditional table) it's just a matter of adding the two fists (knuckle ridge and heart/cup) in baoquan form to your set. Use caution on the first.

Any sort of makiwara type board is probably a bad idea (don't know, don't have one).

You can also just throw cup choys onto the sides of a standing heavy bag (I recommend wrapping for this), kind of like boxing overhands, same basic concept. You can try doing the piercing strikes on the bag but again, caution there until your baoquan is actually strong (takes a while, I didn't start leopard style iron palm until years into learning the animal).

But my personal choice for this kind of conditioning (esp for piercing strikes) is the good old Shaolin sand bucket. People wonder why I spend all my time on the beach with my hands in the sand, they have no idea I'm training up my power level.

Sort of I have a few bags but lately I've been just using a cinder block not the safest I suppose but it feels great and seems to get a wider range of impact. I haven't used the knuckles like that often. I mainly do the back of the hand, slap like seen in many videos then the chopping potion as well as the typical punching area. I've seen alot more and done them but those are the ones I currently do. I'll definitely give them a shot since I'd like to change it up a bit

I haven't tried that either but I can see how it might be bad.

Now that sounds like fun haha. I have to put my heavy bag back up. I recently got a few new bags (the water filled bag and some others. I also did get a huge wooden log for some training haha) thanks for the advice I'll be cautious since I mainly throw them in the air or the grappling dummy. How many years have you trained in it?

Haha they won't expect it either. Now that's a good drill. I have a sand bucket I just need to put it to good use then!
Not sure if this is the right place and I know there's some other threads on it but I figured I'd make this one so for anyone who's interested we can collect any relevant info on this style. I read it's pretty hard to find good reliable information and it's not exactly a style any more so why not bring all whats out there together to maybe help keep it alive
Leopard is one of the 5 famous animals: Snake, Tiger, Leopard, Dragon and Crane. There are leopard forms in the 5 Family Style I teach. Of the 2 leopard forms I learned, I only remember the first one.
Na he's talking about the lawsuit against Johnson and Johnson, long term use of talcum being linked to ovarian cancers.

Baby powder is perfectly safe when used correctly. But for a long time many woman would use it as a drying/deodorant product downstairs.

If it was hurting babies it wouldn't still be on the shelf.
The last thing I saw is that they took their baby powder off the shelves.
Oh and baoquan is also perfectly suited for a standard speed bag, it's actually a lot of fun to do speed bag work with leopard style fists, because speed and precision is critical to the techniques. Also provides a bit of conditioning as well with a relatively soft target.
That's good to know. I'll have to get one I haven't had much training with it. But It's good the style works well with what seems to be a newer training device.
Oh I didn't mean for the vagina. I thought you were talking about back rubs and caressing.

I work with my hands a lot, on top of iron body training. A little lube goes a long way, whether it's powder, cream, or silicone/water based. You just use the right one for the right situation.
I wonder how Aloe Vera gel would work. It worked wonders on the scarring I had on my abdominal area. I wouldn't be sure if it could soften the hands but it might help with some stuff. Then again I kinda enjoy the scars on my hands nothing crazy but still
Leopard is one of the 5 famous animals: Snake, Tiger, Leopard, Dragon and Crane. There are leopard forms in the 5 Family Style I teach. Of the 2 leopard forms I learned, I only remember the first one.
Would you mind posting any videos? I plan to learn some leopard from my instructor as well and post them. My hope is we can all combine the leopard knowledge and sort of get it in one area since to some degree it seems to be scattered
Everyone's thoughts on this? Seems to be some good basic training for leopard
This is a legit CLF and Tai Chi guy.

This is basically a mashup of mostly leopard (the first movement is Loong Gok, a common southern Dragon movement with what looks like baoquan). That was a pretty good demonstration of the different types of baoquan strikes, but if you watch his hand, he's got the proper form down.

this staff form instructional video he put together is freaking awesome. Thanks for sharing this channel, this is right up my alley.

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I wonder how Aloe Vera gel would work. It worked wonders on the scarring I had on my abdominal area. I wouldn't be sure if it could soften the hands but it might help with some stuff. Then again I kinda enjoy the scars on my hands nothing crazy but still
Not only will it soften your hands, but it's also anti inflammatory and antiseptic, so it makes a great natural liniment.

I have aloe plants, you can grow this stuff and always have it on hand, literally.
The last thing I saw is that they took their baby powder off the shelves.
They are choosing to remove their talc based powders due to litigation by 2023.

There's no actual consensus in the medical community whether or not it's linked to cancer, but they were sued by thousands so they decided to just sell non-talc based powders (cornstarch).

Talc is still used in other places, hell I used it today to do shot put exercises. You just don't want to breath the stuff, and yeah stuffing it into your crotch probably is unwise.
You just don't want to breath the stuff, and yeah stuffing it into your crotch probably is unwise.
yeah. dust of anything would be bad, I could imagine Talc powder and it's properties would not be well for an environment that should have moisture lol.
Aloe plants smell musty lol
You wouldn't like my home then, I'm always slicing up oniony things and cooking them in oil. Practically everything I make, I incorporate some sort of allium.

My roomies are used to it, because almost everything I make nowadays is delicious. Almost everything.
You wouldn't like my home then, I'm always slicing up oniony things and cooking them in oil. Practically everything I make, I incorporate some sort of allium.

My roomies are used to it, because almost everything I make nowadays is delicious. Almost everything.
I have 2 Aloe plants that I break open in case of an emergency
This is a legit CLF and Tai Chi guy.

This is basically a mashup of mostly leopard (the first movement is Loong Gok, a common southern Dragon movement with what looks like baoquan). That was a pretty good demonstration of the different types of baoquan strikes, but if you watch his hand, he's got the proper form down.

this staff form instructional video he put together is freaking awesome. Thanks for sharing this channel, this is right up my alley.

Glad to see he's able to perform good leopard from someone with experience in it. I remember writing down the techniques he did some where. It's good stuff I gotta get to doing it again lol

Oh yeah no problem. I've watched some of his videos and there pretty good. I think he did a training video for all the main 5 animals

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