Legit Indochinese knife training links...


Hi all. I am compiling together a list of places to get knife/blade training. I am looking for website links.

Any Indochinese arts out there that work specifically with the knife, or that dedicate a significant portion to the knife?

I have a few already, but looking for more.

Help is appreciated...


Paul Janulis
Are you looking for sites with techniques displayed, or just from which training is available?
I saw that one, thanks Silat Student. I may PM you some questions later on it. Yea, I don't mind if your biased...I am just looking for legitimate knife arts links for the list I will be soon posting in the knife forum. :ultracool


Well I am just a beginner in the system but Pendiri Stark's email adress is no secret. I imagine he would be much more able to provide any answers than I, unless you need a green student's POV. :wink:

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