PLEASE READ: regarding the updated knife training links...


I just updated the knife training links page. I also added a new section on knife combat history.

However, I know I am missing some good links. Send me a Private message of any additional links that you think should be added, and given the set criteria illustrated in the thread, I will consider them. I will compile a new list and update again next week.

Also, if I have made any editing mistakes, or if I have included a link that doesn't belong, please send me a private message and I will review that request as well.

Any questions, suggestions, or comments open to the public, please post here.

Please send any requests to me within the next week. I will not be editing the list every time someone wants a link posted, so be sure to get your request in. After 08/19/2005 I won't be editing the list again until I get a significant amount of additional submission requests that would cause me to do another update, which could take a few months.

Thanks again for your help and participation. As members of MartialTalk and of the knife area, you guys are the ones who can help me make this area a better place, and a strong resource for knife training...

Thanks again!

Paul Janulis

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