I hope some can understand that such crimes in all human society (B&E, Assualt, Thieft, Prostitution, Rape etc..) have existed way before MAN'S LAW to make any substance illegal. It is not purely a drug violence issue, man has committed such acts against others & even their own for more than a thousand years. Removing all DRUGS from our planet will no more rid us of violence than if we legalize or decrimialize all DRUGS. It is a human condition of personal faults, not that a DRUG has a mind of it's own and seeks out our beloved family members to hurt us all. When terrible things like that happen (What Bills Family had to face) , I blame the Man (Or Woman) invovled, not any drug that is also in the mix. These terrible things happen in most all human society, and they also happen without drugs present as well.
Some people are curious about possible medical applications from DRUGS such as Cocaine (Doctors use liquid cocaine during treatment of some sinus/septum issues) as well as Opium (Moraphine as used by Doctors to treat servre pain) and Marijuana (Can help Doctors treat several health issues) But I feel too many people are on a personal quest to punish drug dealers, so an understanding & compromise to find something usefull from these substances is lost.
Most who are for the legalization of Marijuana are also against the Hypocracey (BS) by our own leaders conducting corrupt law practices & enforcement of corrupt laws, that is where a lot of hippies stand (Stoned as they are, they have an honest gripe) and want to see their government honestly uphold reasonable law. Most hippies I know would gladly & non-violently pay their Marijuana tax, but we know that this is impossible because the laws currently on the books are not fair or reasonable (Relating to Herb that is) . I do not feel that decrimializing or legalizing Marijuana will stop violence, but killing drug dealers as explicitly expressed by Bill is not stopping violence either, as a matter of fact, it gives anger & violence a place to anchor it's self in our society. People kill each other over food & water as well, so violence for possession of anything is a human fault & should not be blamed on the substance it's self.
People kill each other in this nation over stupid materialistic possessions,( it is a disrespect for life issue not the item or possesssion issue) near DC years ago, a teenager demanded that someone in a theater give him his Air Jordans, when denied he stabbed thet guy to death & fled without getting the item of dispute. Also years ago on the Metro Rail in DC, another teenager demanded someones leather jacket, again when denied, the kid shot the man wearing the jacket to death and fled without the item of despute. Our society has serious issue with violence, some relating directly to drug trafficing & some having nothing to do with it at all.
To end violence related to any Drug is not solved by the "Lets kill them all" attitude. I also believe that such violence is not solved by the "Make it all legal" attitude either. Such an issue is a GORDIAN KNOT to be solved, and it will not be easy. Unless you take Alexander The Greats (And Bills attitude) draw your sword and cut it to shreads.