Driver is Left-handed lead.
Defender is Right- handed lead.
Basically, the Driver runs the show, the defender is the hapless uke.
Please refer to Rich Parson's Single Sinawali thread:
Please also refer to Datu Dieter's post for L V R Single single sinawali:
1. L#2 - R#1
2. L#9 - R#8
3. L#1 - R#2
4 L#8 - R#9
Let the four strikes concur with 4 beats. Therefore the counts, in beats, will be "1 and" "2 and" "3 and" "4 and".
1. The Driver enters on "3 and" by converting their #1 strike into a payong cover, then transitions it to a punyo strike to chin.
2. The Defender counters with a left parry then counter-striking with a #1 strike.
3. The Driver counters #1 strike with an inside right parry and right backhand to the face.
4. The Defender left counter parries, then follows with #12 strike.
5. The Driver counters with a right handed outside circle parry, grabbing the Defender's striking hand.
6. The defender clears, Hi-Lo continues.
Defender is Right- handed lead.
Basically, the Driver runs the show, the defender is the hapless uke.

Please refer to Rich Parson's Single Sinawali thread:
Please also refer to Datu Dieter's post for L V R Single single sinawali:
1. L#2 - R#1
2. L#9 - R#8
3. L#1 - R#2
4 L#8 - R#9
Let the four strikes concur with 4 beats. Therefore the counts, in beats, will be "1 and" "2 and" "3 and" "4 and".
1. The Driver enters on "3 and" by converting their #1 strike into a payong cover, then transitions it to a punyo strike to chin.
2. The Defender counters with a left parry then counter-striking with a #1 strike.
3. The Driver counters #1 strike with an inside right parry and right backhand to the face.
4. The Defender left counter parries, then follows with #12 strike.
5. The Driver counters with a right handed outside circle parry, grabbing the Defender's striking hand.
6. The defender clears, Hi-Lo continues.