Left Out of D-Day Events, Queen Elizabeth Is Fuming


Now, now. Let's not go looking for a fight just when Charles has found a tactful way to resolve the empasse.

A tip of the hat to Obama for making overtures but he marred the attempt by not letting our PM know what was in the wind - thus making him look even more foolish than he needed.

Ah well. Mr. Brown was marked for ousting the moment he took over from Blair, so there's nothing much to be done about it I guess ... just don't let the Tories back in :eek:.
It's ok to disrespect the government also in the UK. That's just it, YOUR post has been a fair one. There has, however been one young pup on this thread who has been very disrespectful to Her Majesty and it has to be said that most Brits including myself are offended by such tripe. We take it personally, even peasants like me. Her Majesty has done much to ensure the rights and freedoms of the commonwealth and for that, my people owe her much and are protective.

Count this Canuck in that group.