Leaving for A.A.U. Nationals


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I will be in Florida for the next week while my school is competing in the AAU Nationals event. I will not be on much but will try to get on few times while I am gone. Keep the threads going and I will let you know how things are going. If anybody else is going look me up.
Good luck Terry though I am sure you guy's will not need it!
Why are you going to the AAU Nationals? If competition is so important to you then why aren't you in Austin?
Just got back today ourselves!! 17 medals, 19 competitors. Two going to team trials. Not a bad year but my best student who worked the hardest and has the most potential lost in the first round?!!! So not everything was a positive.
Just got back today ourselves!! 17 medals, 19 competitors. Two going to team trials. Not a bad year but my best student who worked the hardest and has the most potential lost in the first round?!!! So not everything was a positive.

I completely understand had one myself that lost in the first round, great fights and competitin.

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