Least favorite kicks

At this point and time I really hate all those high flying kicks, I have been enjoying basic kick and appreciating them more with age.
least favorite to fight against: a guy with a good side kick. i always feel like any attempt to close is going to hurt.

least favorite to do: any cresent kick. mine are weak as hell, & any of the very few times i've landed one in sparring i've thought "why didn't i just throw a roundhouse?". a few people i've sparred have had a somewhat effective cresent kicks, but they are usually much weaker than other kicks from similar angles, & easy to counter.

I always hate the kick that the other guy hits me with...those suck :D

Truthfully though, we do a combo kick inside/outside crescent kick. I hate doing them...don't think it's a very effective kick (at elast for me). If I through the insidee crescent with power...I have a hell of a time slowing my big old leg down and reversing the direction for the second kick. I'd rather thwough an axe kcik then follow up with a roundhouse kick or two.
I don't like crescent kicks at all—they always feel as though they're working against the joint, not with it, the way the solid basic kicks do.

And I have to say, among those solid basic kicks, back kicks are my least fave. I know they can yield tremendous impact... but I not really keen on letting my antagonist get as far from the center of my visual field as you have to do on the pivot to set up the back kick. Peripheral vision and turning your head is all very well, but too much can go wrong. The other thing that bothers me about back kicks is that if the guy steps out of the way and attempts to capture your leg, you're very awkwardly positioned to evade his move... all in all, give me the front snap, side and roundhouse kicks in both rear and front leg versions, along with the always-lethal knee strike, and I figure I've got all I need... :)
Flying kicks....use to love them (still do) my knees hate them. its not the jump...its the landing. :)
Spinning hook kick or any spinning kick for that matter because it leaves your back side open for a second as your spinning. I don't like being hit in the back.
Any jumping kicks...well the second part. I dont mind the jumping. Only the landing where my knees then remind me of what true agony is.

Dave O.
I dont have a least favorite kick, but I think that there are some kicks that I dont do very often. One of them would be a front kick in sparring. It's kind of hard to do a front kick when your body is almost always facing sideways.
I love spinning hook kicks, but because of an injured groin muscle I dont really like practicing them
crescent kicks (as Exile put it, they don't seem to work with the joint)

and hook kicks (and don't even think about spin hooks)
I personally hate any kick that requires you to leave the ground...not only because it takes a lot for me to get off the ground initially, but also because I find that the majority of the time, they just aren't effective (for me).
When I say least favourite kicks I am more meaning kicks that I can't personally perform very well. I like all the kicks when I see someone more competant than myself performing them!

So for me it is the hook kick and any jumping or spinning kicks.

The crescent kicks and axe kicks can be useful in ITF sparring for ripping down your opponents guard and allowing you to follow through with a couple of punches. I would never consider using them for self defence though as I think TKD's more basic kicks and knee strikes are more effective for that.
I really dont like just basic inside out cresent kick. Now a good outside in cresent works as a good fake setting you up for multiple attacks as in a outside in cresent side kick combo with the same leg, or outside in cresent jump spinning hook kick combo to the head(good combo).
At this point and time I really hate all those high flying kicks, I have been enjoying basic kick and appreciating them more with age.
I'm with you Terry, the high round house was my bread and butter. Side kick and spinning back kick served me well, but now it is waist and below. The best thing about it, is you can still train in your later years.
At this point and time I really hate all those high flying kicks, I have been enjoying basic kick and appreciating them more with age.

As Terry wrote now my least favorite kicks are the jumping kicks cause those are hard to me to do well.

My favorite kicks are the simple ones, the roundhouse kick, the side kick, the front kick, the back kick, the spining back kick, the hook kick (some times I perfomed it well) and the spining hook kick (altought I'm not a good one with this).

There is one kick I don't use much but has give me good points and it's the one that Bill Wallace does, it's two kicks in one, the first one is a hook kick that when it misses it changes to a round kick it's a hook with s slap using the instep, don't know if you recall it.

At this point and time I really hate all those high flying kicks, I have been enjoying basic kick and appreciating them more with age.

Et tu brute? Ah... wise to late, old to soon.

Me to Terry. I'm now of the opinion all those fancy gyrations were quite unnecessary. Particulary for self defense.

The basics really are the keys.

I don't like crescent kicks at all—they always feel as though they're working against the joint, not with it, the way the solid basic kicks do.

And I have to say, among those solid basic kicks, back kicks are my least fave. I know they can yield tremendous impact... but I not really keen on letting my antagonist get as far from the center of my visual field as you have to do on the pivot to set up the back kick. Peripheral vision and turning your head is all very well, but too much can go wrong. The other thing that bothers me about back kicks is that if the guy steps out of the way and attempts to capture your leg, you're very awkwardly positioned to evade his move... all in all, give me the front snap, side and roundhouse kicks in both rear and front leg versions, along with the always-lethal knee strike, and I figure I've got all I need... :)

Hey Bob,

think of the back kick as something to use against someone who has sneaked up behind you, or otherwise gotten himself there. I understand not wanting to turn your back on an oppononent, but maybe he got behind you in some other way. Now nail him.
Hey Bob,

think of the back kick as something to use against someone who has sneaked up behind you, or otherwise gotten himself there. I understand not wanting to turn your back on an oppononent, but maybe he got behind you in some other way. Now nail him.

That actually makes sense. :asian:

It's not usually trained that way in TKD, from what I've seen, but it should be. Good observation!