Yellow Belt
I have studied wing chun for a good amount of years, had a moment were i put it down for a few years, and then now i am full blast into it more than i ever been. my training started when i was around three yrs old under my father who learned wsl lineage in the early 70's. since he had experience with the art, his version of it was indeed modified but stayed very faithful to the therories he learned initally. Around age 22 til around 34, i kinda got lazy and didnt do it as much, but then about 3 yrs ago, i took one year to retrain with my father, then the following year later for about near 6 months i studied under a sifu learning the more tradituonal Jiu Wan lineage which i am proud of and love. But i did move close to 6 months ago to Colorado, and there was no one under my lineage here i could continue with. So i recently met a person who is very knowledgable in Wang Kiu lineage, and after taking time to note the differences and similarities in the movements, positioning, and other things, we found them to be on alot of things similar. So in my experience so far, it has been great to keep learning, and adding to what i learned previously and actually see it can work for me. I do know some i have heard saying it's not good to mix multi lineages and i do understand that if there are differing reasons for a application to be applied, it can affect one negatively but in my case it is the opposite: it is allowing me to open my mind, expand my understanding of it, and looking back at what i learned previously, adding this has actually helped to improve my self discovery of my understanding of the art, and i love it! Has anyone ever experienced this in a positive manner or otherwise? I figured it would make for a decent topic to talk about in a civil manner
What are your thoughts on the subject of learning from different lineages?