Learn Karate in "Three Or Four" Years?

The trees usually come out of nowhere when I play. I swear, a huge tree moved a good 20 yards onto the fairway once or twice.

And the water constantly moves too.
well it is, there are old fat men who can hardly walk playing it,
Yes, and many doing so badly. Just because someone does something, that doesn't mean they've learned to do it with any competency.

And old and fat has nothing to do with the difficulty in learning something. That kind of comment is just ignorant.
The trees usually come out of nowhere when I play. I swear, a huge tree moved a good 20 yards onto the fairway once or twice.

And the water constantly moves too.
I was playing in Florida a few years ago, and got paired up with someone I didn't know. He was a much better golfer than me. On the second hole (about 325 yards), I landed mine in the woods on the right. He landed his nicely about 50 yards off the green right up front. I went into the woods and hit a nice shot between the trees onto the green.

As I walked out of the woods, he said, "Man, I wish I could make shots like that out of the woods!"

I replied, "Terry, if you want to learn to play like that out of the woods, you're going to have to hit a lot more into the woods."
Yes, and many doing so badly. Just because someone does something, that doesn't mean they've learned to do it with any competency.

And old and fat has nothing to do with the difficulty in learning something. That kind of comment is just ignorant.
but if they can hit the ball at all they have competency, they may not be at the level you have set for competency, but they have competency never the less

and old has a lot to do with the difficulty of learning,
However it's not impossible to learn when you get older, many people do, being 'more difficult' just means you work at it, instead of assuming you know everything.
U3A - University of the Third Age
i didn't say it was impossible i said it was more difficult, dependent on how old you are and what you are trying to learn a lot more difficult, complex motor patterns are at the lot more difficult end, as you have to over write motor patterns that are all ready very well established,

for instance a 70 year old would find learning how to walk on their hands to be quite a challenge
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"yes but the very defintion of a constant is it applies everywhere on every occasion, as it doesnt apply to feathers on earth, which is where we live, except for in a vacuum chamber, then it clearly is not a constant"

No, that would be a Universal constant like 'c ( the speed of light in a vacuum)' and 'G" (the Universal gravitational constant). The acceleration due to gravity (g) is a constant in a given location and distance from the center of mass of the larger object..
i would normally do this, but seem as you are bragging about you physics degree, you should know better than use such loose terms.

the speed of light is not a constant, as light doesn't move at a constant speed, C as used in equations is the MAX theoretical speed of a sub atomic particle in a true vacuum. As space is not a true vacuum , that is not generaly the speed at which a proton moves. It's slowed down by other particles and gravity, of which there are lots and lots,

G and g are not constants as you use them, as newton was wrong about the nature of gravity, it isn't caused by,attraction between objects with mass, it caused by,curvature in space time, which is why light( protons) which has no mass is effected by gravity, and as far as they do work, they to only work in a vacuum, which don't occur naturally

if you want to calculate gravity you need to dig out the,Einstein equations,
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I know a lot of 7 year olds who find it a challenge.

you seem to have diverted off in to gaining physical fitness when old rather than the topic of learning complex motor patterns when older, they are both a,challenge, but in different ways for different reasons,

i am myself trying to do both in my middle aged years, and the,fitness is easier than the,skill element, at least for me.

I've said before my local council wouldn't let me join their football class, as i was over 50 they told me to do walking football instead, which was some what annoying as i can do a 7 min mile and can this out run at least 70% of the population

Disagree.....definitely too late to learn

you seem to have diverted off in to gaining physical fitness when old rather than the topic of learning complex motor patterns when older, they are both a,challenge, but in different ways for different reasons,

Try doing pole dancing and crossfit before saying that it's 'only fitness'. You generalise everything into something you think approximates what you are trying to prove, it's quite amusing watching you argue with people who do actually know what they are talking about. :D:D

Disagree.....definitely too late to learn


It could actually be the best time to learn, who knows? It might be when you've learnt how you actually spent your life as opposed to what you think you did. :D
i would normally do this, but seem as you are bragging about you physics degree, you should know better than use such loose terms.

Oh boy.

Wasn't bragging, merely stating a fact.

the speed of light is not a constant, as light doesn't move at a constant speed, C as used in equations is the MAX theoretical speed of a sub atomic particle in a true vacuum. As space is not a true vacuum , that is not generaly the speed at which a proton moves. It's slowed down by other particles and gravity, of which there are lots and lots,

Yes the speed of light in a vacuum is constant. It is constant for all observers everywhere. It's that relativity thing Einstein was so fond of. The speed a photon (not proton) travels depends on the medium through which it travels, but in a vacuum where there is no medium it has it's maximum value at 299 792 458 m/s which is 'c'. ALL particles with a non-zero rest mass (including the proton) cannot travel either at or faster than than 'c'.

G and g are not constants as you use them, as newton was wrong about the nature of gravity, it isn't caused by,attraction between objects with mass, it caused by,curvature in space time, which is why light( protons) which has no mass is effected by gravity, and as far as they do work, they to only work in a vacuum, which don't occur naturally

Newton wasn't wrong about gravity he just had an incomplete limited explanation. Newton's explanation of gravity didn't stop working just because Einstein developed a better one. The curvature of space-time is why objects of mass are attracted to each other. Einstein's explanation is not complete either. Also 'G' is a universal constant in both Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity.

if you want to calculate gravity you need to dig out the,Einstein equations,

Within certain limits both Newton's and Einstein's equations produce the same results.

Oh and you can't master a martial art like Karate in just a few years.
but if they can hit the ball at all they have competency, they may not be at the level you have set for competency, but they have competency never the less

and old has a lot to do with the difficulty of learning,
So if someone can hit a heavy bag at all, they have competency in Karate? Okay, so Karate takes about 10 minutes to learn.

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