Hi Paul,
I belong to the same school as KT and, like you, I also happen to be a certified teacher. Sorry that I donÂ’t have time to get into that part of the debate from earlier in this thread just now.
First this is a very interesting thread, and there's a lot more I'd like to contribute to it, but time is short at the moment, so I have to keep it brief. We have a class that is a black belt preparatory class one night a week, but as we were all preparing for our black belts and beginning our teaching at the same time the subject of much of my and my learning partners' questioning revolved around our teaching. Since we remember 90 percent of what we teach to others it also benefits us in preparing for our black belts to be knowledgeable teachers. Consequently our prep class has evolved into more of a teacher training class. This was very important to me because I was not comfortable presenting material to other students that I felt I barely had a grasp on myself. After teaching for the first few times you see how much you need to know and a black belt becomes more of a product of being a good teacher than a primary goal.
In addition to this class, I have spent the last year of my private lessons with my instructor working on a written compilation of all of the 170 self defense techniques that we need to learn for a black belt, and with my instructor's blessing have made them available for all of the students and teachers in the school to use as a reference and for consistency in learning/teaching. We all have different ways of doing things and it can be frustrating, and also ironically at the same time enriching, for students to work with different instructors. It is my goal to make it a little less frustrating by providing these notes.
We do discuss things after classes are over, especially if we see a need to, but there is not at this time any formal evaluation process. When we teach our instructor is always available to go over something with a student if we feel we need his help, and that is something I really appreciate and have called on him from time to time to do. I'm not sure how the other instructors feel about it, maybe KT can speak to this, but I would like to see a little more guidance from my instructor on drills, but LOL he tells me I make him work hard :uhyeah:...so one thing at a time. I do enjoy the freedom to try different things though, but wouldn't mind a little more guidance in that department.
I would also like to see him develop a school library of reference materials for all to use including video tapes (which he's agreed to make with me, but we have time conflicts at the moment), but again *hee hee* one thing at a time.
MJ :asian: