Latest Harry Potter Movie

No, Alan Moore has nothing to do with the Watchmen movie. How can you adapt something and change the ending? Everything leading up to that new ending has to be subtly or wholly changed or left the hell out. Watchmen was an interesting case because the movie starts pretty good, but as it goes on the changes start to creep in. It was like rewriting Sherlock Holmes with a different ending so you have to do away with all the old clues. As the movie itself proved, it cannot be adapted. He's (Alan) is stickler for literary work staying literary because there is a rhythm and timing on the page that cannot be done on screen.

Plus every one of his other books adapted turned into a giant mess by no fault of his. V For vendetta, From Hell, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Hellblazer (named Constantine for the movie audiences), Swamp Thing. As much as I would love to see his Batman: The Killing Joke onscreen I know that the rape and crippling of Batgirl, the torture of Gordon, the murder of an entire bus filled with children will never be put onscreen. In fact there has never been a Batman movie nearly half as brutal as the books are.

Check this out -,,20213004,00.html
People aren't going to the pictures (thats what they're called here lol) so much here now anyway as you can get DVD copies of films almost as soon as the film is released for much cheaper than a trip to see it and pay a lot of money. It's nicer to watch at home to, you don't have so much noise or grief, one lady had bleach poured on her by youths here when she asked them to be quiet during a film. I haven't been for years.
With the size and quality of televisions these days people just aren't bothering going out much to watch films.

(I bolded in the above quote)

Not to highjack the thread, but the reason I'm willing to see SOME movies at the cinema is because of the HUGE screen — for SOME movies, it is worth the money just to view it on the big screen.

The GF and I always ask ourselves: will this be just as good at home (for the first time), or do we want to see THIS one on the big screen while we have a chance?

Cinema surround sound (yea, yea..I know SOME folks have this at home, but we don't yet) is also a factor.. although lately (last two viewings) the local theater has been setting their sound levels PAINFULLY high.. so they are about to start losing out on our money.
(I bolded in the above quote)

Not to highjack the thread, but the reason I'm willing to see SOME movies at the cinema is because of the HUGE screen — for SOME movies, it is worth the money just to view it on the big screen.

The GF and I always ask ourselves: will this be just as good at home (for the first time), or do we want to see THIS one on the big screen while we have a chance?

Cinema surround sound (yea, yea..I know SOME folks have this at home, but we don't yet) is also a factor.. although lately (last two viewings) the local theater has been setting their sound levels PAINFULLY high.. so they are about to start losing out on our money.

You know I agree with you on this. Some movies which I look REALLY fwd to seeing, I will spend the $5 to see it at the theatre. Any other regular movie I will wait for.

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