Latest Harry Potter Movie

LOL! it depends where you come from, here in Yorkshire 'bugger' is a term of affection and not a swear word however if I said it in London I'd get dirty looks!
People are taking the whole thing too seriously, the books and the films were made to entertain and amuse not to impart deep meaningful thoughts to the world at large. It's a story not reality, it's there to give us relief from reality not impinge on it.

No, you're wrong. Magic is real, there's an actual school called Hogwarts, and the characters are drawn from real people but the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Nobody's taking the story "too seriously", we're expressing opinions on how the movie was done. Everybody envisions the story differently when reading a book, but we all see the same thing in the movie and so the director/writers are always going to get some flack for what they come up with.

Chronicles of Narnia, now there was a children's movie that people took waaay too seriously. I guess when the author intends the book to be a Christian allegory, people tend to fuss if the movie doesn't bludgeon people over the head with it.
... which would have made a great comedic scene for the movie. At least I thought it was funny in the book.

Yea I was looking fwd to it myself and felt bad when it wasn't in there.

After everything in the movie, seeing Harry under the stairs hide was the nail in the coffin for me. When did Harry start listening to Snape? No fight from him whatsoever. No fight in the castle after Dumbledore's death was another nail in the coffin.

It isn't a big deal but would have been nice to hear "Weasley is our king" after the Quidditch match rather than the "Ron" chants that we got.

Movies portray Harry as a nice,warm loving kid. In the books he is a hot head and quite determined to do what he wants despite the warning of others. I think he acts more of his age in the books than in the movie but it isn't a big deal to me.

Oh and read that in the movie, while Ginny and Harry are in the room of requirement, you can see the harp and chess piece from the 1st Harry Potter movie. I feel this was plain dumb. Why not AT LEAST show Ravenclaw's crown on the bust of a statute??? Could of had at least Harry see it so in the last movie he can recall that memory. But yet again I have the feeling they will have Ginny "remembering that she saw a crown as she hid Harry's potion book." I may place bets on this theory.
The chronicles of Narnia are only a Christian allegory to Christians, not everyone takes the same view.

Uhhh...are you familiar with CS Lewis and what he wrote about? The Lion who is the "son of the King from over the sea", sacrifices his life and is resurrected. In the last book he leads the "faithful" to salvation as the world is's so blatant that I would hesitate to even call it allegory.
Uhhh...are you familiar with CS Lewis and what he wrote about? The Lion who is the "son of the King from over the sea", sacrifices his life and is resurrected. In the last book he leads the "faithful" to salvation as the world is's so blatant that I would hesitate to even call it allegory.

Of course I'm aware of the comon perception of it but this guy, a vicar btw, has done a great deal of research into CS Lewis before writing this book. The resurrection myth is actually a common one to many cultures and religions, it's not restricted to the Christian faith.
I'd rather base an opinion on what the author SAYS. Lewis agrees..its not a Christian Allegory. He called it a Christian Parallel.

If Aslan represented the immaterial Deity in the same way in which Giant Despair [a character in The Pilgrim's Progress] represents despair, he would be an allegorical figure. In reality, however, he is an invention giving an imaginary answer to the question, 'What might Christ become like if there really were a world like Narnia, and He chose to be incarnate and die and rise again in that world as He actually has done in ours?' This is not allegory at all. -CS Lewis
Allegory or not, it's still a children's story and people do take it way too seriously. I just used it as for comparison to show that all we are doing is giving opinion about the relative merits of the Potter books v. the movies.
One could consider ANY heroic literary figure and declare some sort of applied theistic parallel ... though I will concede Lewis did say specifically he constructed his tale from the story of Jesus Christ.
One could consider ANY heroic literary figure and declare some sort of applied theistic parallel ... though I will concede Lewis did say specifically he constructed his tale from the story of Jesus Christ.

the chap who wrote the book has a theory that CS lewis was actually much more secretive thatn people believed and he only said that about it being a Christian story to avoid ridicule from some and to wind others up. I don't know if he's found 'the truth' of it or not, I do know I read the books many years ago when I was young and found them boring, I was (and secretly still am) into the Chalet School books, they mirrored my school quite a lot and my friends and I identified with the characters, only my school lacked the adventures lol!
(since we are doing spoilers, now ...)
The only reason I started in with spoilers is because the movie was spoilt anyway... but also the fact I went to see it on a FRIDAY night (big movie night you would think eh?) and at around 8:00... the audience consisted of only myself, a lovey dovey couple (thankfully not Lavender and Won-Won) and a family of 3... what does that tell you? The movie grossly disappointed enough that folks aren't coming out in droves. Irregardless of the fantastic opening weekend which broke previous HP movie records (mainly because ticket prices are higher... mine cost $9.25) ... folks are becoming disappointed with the changes as zDom (and others ... including myself) have pointed out.

Swats director, screenwriter, and JKRwowling for allowing it to happen.
The only reason I started in with spoilers is because the movie was spoilt anyway... but also the fact I went to see it on a FRIDAY night (big movie night you would think eh?) and at around 8:00... the audience consisted of only myself, a lovey dovey couple (thankfully not Lavender and Won-Won) and a family of 3... what does that tell you? The movie grossly disappointed enough that folks aren't coming out in droves. Irregardless of the fantastic opening weekend which broke previous HP movie records (mainly because ticket prices are higher... mine cost $9.25) ... folks are becoming disappointed with the changes as zDom (and others ... including myself) have pointed out.

Swats director, screenwriter, and JKRwowling for allowing it to happen.

There were about 12 people in my theatre and I was shocked myself. I bought mine online thinking it would be packed...

You are right, it does speak volumes about the movie.
There were about 12 people in my theatre and I was shocked myself. I bought mine online thinking it would be packed...

You are right, it does speak volumes about the movie.

People aren't going to the pictures (thats what they're called here lol) so much here now anyway as you can get DVD copies of films almost as soon as the film is released for much cheaper than a trip to see it and pay a lot of money. It's nicer to watch at home to, you don't have so much noise or grief, one lady had bleach poured on her by youths here when she asked them to be quiet during a film. I haven't been for years.
With the size and quality of televisions these days people just aren't bothering going out much to watch films.
Heres hoping that the last book is a bit truer to the story...seeing that they are supposedly breaking it up into two films to do it justice.

There is also going to have to be a LOT of dancing around to get back into the story line after this last chop-fest.
I think The Princess Bride was pretty accurate. And Neverending Story was only limited by technology of the day... although that was only the first half of Michael Ende's book. And Mel Gibson will say The Passion Of The Christ was pretty accurate... from a certain point of view, I guess...
The Watchmen movie followed the graphic novel pretty well IMO.

It was close but not. Since it left out the giant squid and all the plot development leading up to it. It also blamed Dr Manhattan for explosions all over the world which again did not happen in the book.

I was say it's about 75% there as far as adaptations go. Watchmen's my 3# book of all time by the way, I can't even tell how many times I've read it in my life.
I read that the guy who wrote the graphic novel for Watchmen didn't help nor wanted to help in the making of the movie. He totally didn't want it done and wanted no parts of it.

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