Last Poster #7

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I write down my vivid dreams to recollect at a later date and they invariably don’t seem to come from my mind but are beamed in from somewhere else. About four or five years ago I heard this phrase in one of my dreams,

Now you have learned how to kill, you must learn how not to kill.

It seemed to be in the context of teaching swordsmanship but I’m not sure if I said it or it was said to me.

Last night, this phrase was extrapolated upon in an early morning dream/hypnagogic state in which I was saying it to someone else to whom I was trying to impart a bit of spirituality-

Now one has learned to kill,
One should endeavour to preserve life.

Now one has learned to be menacing,
One should endeavour to be gentle.

Now one has learned to use guile,
One should endeavour to cultivate integrity.

I’ve Googled it and it does seem to be novel and from my mind but it still feels they are not my words. I really like it, though and it’s something I might, in future, internally recite before training…’A Swordsman’s Precept’.

Endeavour to preserve life, be gentle, cultivate integrity. Not a bad precept to live by.
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