Last Poster #7

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well, the local firefighters got a workout today.
Who knew that you could not just call an ambulance to carry your butt home from the hospital when transport in a POV was not feasible.
A shoutout to the men from station 5 and 3.....I will need to go by Aldi for some thank-you shopping.
the temps dropped like a rock today.
I brought my tender plants under roof. Sadly, my coffee treelings didn't survive my absence. Other than that the damages were minimal.
Maybe this cold snap gives me good blooms on my peach tree in spring.
Turn on TV, very first thing I see..... shooting at University of Virginia.... as my heart stopped.....spent the next 30 minutes not breathing and trying to contact the oldest....who goes to U of V...... he finally responded, he is ok.

I have not had this post event nervous, weak feeling since I left state security. It was the feeling I always got after dealing with a violent situation....never during, did not have that option, and nerves before ended as soon as I got involved.... always afterwards....
Turn on TV, very first thing I see..... shooting at University of Virginia.... as my heart stopped.....spent the next 30 minutes not breathing and trying to contact the oldest....who goes to U of V...... he finally responded, he is ok.

I have not had this post event nervous, weak feeling since I left state security. It was the feeling I always got after dealing with a violent situation....never during, did not have that option, and nerves before ended as soon as I got involved.... always afterwards....
Glad you family is okay. My prayers to the families involved.
Turn on TV, very first thing I see..... shooting at University of Virginia.... as my heart stopped.....spent the next 30 minutes not breathing and trying to contact the oldest....who goes to U of V...... he finally responded, he is ok.

I have not had this post event nervous, weak feeling since I left state security. It was the feeling I always got after dealing with a violent situation....never during, did not have that option, and nerves before ended as soon as I got involved.... always afterwards....
Oh ****. I’m sorry and very glad to hear your kid is okay.
Turn on TV, very first thing I see..... shooting at University of Virginia.... as my heart stopped.....spent the next 30 minutes not breathing and trying to contact the oldest....who goes to U of V...... he finally responded, he is ok.

I have not had this post event nervous, weak feeling since I left state security. It was the feeling I always got after dealing with a violent situation....never during, did not have that option, and nerves before ended as soon as I got involved.... always afterwards....
Oh, man. Sorry you had to go through that, and glad he's okay. Knowing someone you love is in danger and being able to do nothing at all about it is quite possibly the worst feeling in the world.
Turn on TV, very first thing I see..... shooting at University of Virginia.... as my heart stopped.....spent the next 30 minutes not breathing and trying to contact the oldest....who goes to U of V...... he finally responded, he is ok.

I have not had this post event nervous, weak feeling since I left state security. It was the feeling I always got after dealing with a violent situation....never during, did not have that option, and nerves before ended as soon as I got involved.... always afterwards....
Sorry your family went through this, and I am glad your daughter is ok.
We beat it into our kids before they went off to college that we'd be expecting rapid contact in case of any big events. The cops in our family still send us a text almost immediately if there's any kind of officer involved shooting or such on their watch. We generally know well before the news. But it helps to know they're ok when it does come on the news.
Sorry your family went through this, and I am glad your daughter is ok.
We beat it into our kids before they went off to college that we'd be expecting rapid contact in case of any big events. The cops in our family still send us a text almost immediately if there's any kind of officer involved shooting or such on their watch. We generally know well before the news. But it helps to know they're ok when it does come on the news.

thank you, the daughter is the youngest and still at home, and she is ok....the one in U of V is the boy... he didn't even know anything had happened until I ask him if he was ok.... he lives off campus.
Turn on TV, very first thing I see..... shooting at University of Virginia.... as my heart stopped.....spent the next 30 minutes not breathing and trying to contact the oldest....who goes to U of V...... he finally responded, he is ok.

I have not had this post event nervous, weak feeling since I left state security. It was the feeling I always got after dealing with a violent situation....never during, did not have that option, and nerves before ended as soon as I got involved.... always afterwards....
I'm so sorry Xue... that's so frightening.. 😞 glad they're okay
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