Last Poster #7

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You have a canine terrorist in your house too? I have a Staffordshire bull terrier, a pit bull, and two French bulldogs.

No, use to have a West Highland, Border Terrier mix. size of a boarder terrier coloration, fur of a West Highland. Use to leave the house and put up 3 foot tall gates in the 2 doors of the kitchen, to keep him in the kitchen when we went out. I came home one day and I could see through the big bay window all the gates were to him was a steeple chase course. Run from dining room, to living room, to hall, leap gate one, then leap gate 2 repeat. He also did not dig holes in the yard, he tunneled. He had more energy and chewed more things than any dog I have ever had

Border Terrier

West Highland Terrier
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It is, yes. Terriers, dogs of the earth.

Yes, and I had the "tunnels" in the earth, in my yard, to prove it. He did not dig holes, he tunneled. I'd look out the back window and all I'd see is a wagging tail sticking out of the ground because he was tunneling.
Well this isn't fair.... I am working from home today, I also have things I want to do around the house, AND do a bit of training....and then the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) station goes and make today a Toshiro Mifune movie just how the HECK do they expect me to get anything done today!?
I got pretty good at pushups, too, but in the USAF that was really only in basic training. I could write a comedy script about my time in basic training.
military academy is permanent basic training. I ran, ate, and breathed by the bugle. It was the best of times, it was worst of times, for some. I gotta say the truth is that I loved it.
Well this isn't fair.... I am working from home today, I also have things I want to do around the house, AND do a bit of training....and then the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) station goes and make today a Toshiro Mifune movie just how the HECK do they expect me to get anything done today!?
I just looked it up in The Book of Life.....

You can officially take today off.
Breakfst today...
Cantonese Chicken Baozi , Mrs Xue, who is not Cantonese, made sure I understood that

And a Chinese carrot mantou (they were not white, but a light orange)

And Gunpowder green tea

best breakfast I've had in awhile
I was feeling a bit nostalgic this morning when I came across a post from a member whose posts I enjoyed, who has not been here in a while. Went to his webpage and found it had not been touched in 2 years. Feeling a bit concerned, due to MT members of the past that have actually past, I looked further. Did not know this, but he is one of the Council of Elders of the Dog Brothers, as well as one of the Original Dog Brothers.

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