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I am just glad my husband and I got both in, and the kid just got his 1st.
All my wife side of family are anti-vaccine. Even my 83 years old mother in law refused to take vaccine. In the beginning my wife didn't want to take it either. I had to argue with her everyday for 2 weeks until she gave up.

A good friend of mine also refuses to take vaccine. I called her everyday and tried to change her mind. She finally won't answer my phone call.

My wife's sister, her husband, and her children all got COVID (in Louisiana). They all had recovered. What they didn't realize was, they might pass their COVID to others without knowing it.

I just don't understand how can people just think about themselves without thinking about others.

This is why I hate the term SD. It's selfish, selfish, and selfish.
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Watching the Japanese news. I am seeing something eerily familiar.... Beijing telling residents to stay home, Nanjing covid numbers on the raise, Tokyo in an state emergency, as are other parts of Japan, Myanmar high covid infection and going to a hard lockdown soon, Thailand covid numbers rising....
Since you can't really fix stupid, I guess I'll say a prayer for the anti-vaxers. May they Rest In Peace. Soon.
I'm glad you said it, because if I did, the moderators would tell me I'm being aggressive. I recommend you be careful, man. If you get on their bad side, posts like this will definitely be enough to put you in the penalty box for a while.
The day when vaccine people start to blame on those un-vaccine people to pass COVID to them, the day that our world will have problem. When that happen, there will be no capitalism, socialism, communism, ... The world will be divided by only vaccine and anti-vaccine.

A: Are you going to take vaccine shot?
B: Definitely not!
A: Why?
B: Vaccine is anti-Christ, evil, ...
A: Do you prefer to die from COVID than to take the vaccine shot?
B: The hell without vaccine is a much better place to live than the world with vaccine.
A: :arghh:
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Jacob won his division (16-17 black belt men) at the national championships. With his 2 grand championships in kata and weapons he qualified for the Jr National team again. He is only 1 of 2 original members left on the team so it was important to him to stay on the team.

Sunday he had a good day of seminars. 1 on sparring taught by Karate Combat and USKA Champ Josh Quayhagen and USA Karate Team members Jenna Brown and Adrian Galvan. Followed by White Crane and Breathing seminars taught by long time USKA member Guy Holtzman.

All and all it was good to see all of our friends from across the country again.
Jacob won his division (16-17 black belt men) at the national championships. With his 2 grand championships in kata and weapons he qualified for the Jr National team again. He is only 1 of 2 original members left on the team so it was important to him to stay on the team.

Sunday he had a good day of seminars. 1 on sparring taught by Karate Combat and USKA Champ Josh Quayhagen and USA Karate Team members Jenna Brown and Adrian Galvan. Followed by White Crane and Breathing seminars taught by long time USKA member Guy Holtzman.

All and all it was good to see all of our friends from across the country again.
CONGRATULATIONS.... Way to go Jacob 👍
Well, I can tell you, even if you have been vaccinated, it is possible to catch CoviI saw early on suggested it was likely to become much like the flu -- with frequent variants but a vaccine will ease the symptoms and prep you to fight the variant, even if it didn't nail it exactly.
What I was seeing early on, before the "nobody is allowed to get sick" crap suggested that COVID would follow a course much like the flu, with frequent variants and vaccines that may not confer total immunity, but will ease any symptoms that you do get.
All my wife side of family are anti-vaccine. Even my 83 years old mother in law refused to take vaccine. In the beginning my wife didn't want to take it either. I had to argue with her everyday for 2 weeks until she gave up.

A good friend of mine also refuses to take vaccine. I called her everyday and tried to change her mind. She finally won't answer my phone call.

My wife's sister, her husband, and her children all got COVID (in Louisiana). They all had recovered. What they didn't realize was, they might pass their COVID to others without knowing it.

I just don't understand how can people just think about themselves without thinking about others.

This is why I hate the term SD. It's selfish, selfish, and selfish.
and they don't know if they didn't wreck their health longterm.
this virus is something else.
And here we are, round, 3 or 4, lost track.
What I was seeing early on, before the "nobody is allowed to get sick" crap suggested that COVID would follow a course much like the flu, with frequent variants and vaccines that may not confer total immunity, but will ease any symptoms that you do get.
well, true, to a point, but the sideeffects of COVID are a shade more severe than the flu, and longer lasting.
and more wide spread.

And since Delta is spreading faster, it will mutate faster.
goody goody gumdrops.
but we have to beg people to get vaccinated....
Oh, and ventilators do damage your lungs and brain....

we have collectively gotten dumber it seems.
What I was seeing early on, before the "nobody is allowed to get sick" crap suggested that COVID would follow a course much like the flu, with frequent variants and vaccines that may not confer total immunity, but will ease any symptoms that you do get.

well, at least in my case, as far as I know, the vaccine eased my symptoms
well, at least in my case, as far as I know, the vaccine eased my symptoms
I am feeling off today.
Of course, it could be a number of things.
Yesterday we get the news the rehab place is closed as of now, because of COVID. We had not been there last week; and the week before I think it was Wednesday. I don't go in, as my presence isn't required.
Nah, it's probably nothing.
I am feeling off today.
Of course, it could be a number of things.
Yesterday we get the news the rehab place is closed as of now, because of COVID. We had not been there last week; and the week before I think it was Wednesday. I don't go in, as my presence isn't required.
Nah, it's probably nothing.

It is real easy to become a hypochondriac these days based on the atmosphere of the last several months. At the beginning of this whole pandemic thing, when I got quarantined due to exposer, I was convinced several times a day, every day, I was getting a fever. I was constantly taking my temperature.

Irony, when I did finally get it, I was convinced it was just a cold and never even thought of it being Covid
Early on in the pandemic, I wondered if I had contracted COVID. Ended up being shingles! :D Shows how much I knew at the time what the symptoms were.
I can see you weeds...can you see me

Once more unto the breech vile weeds

Pollen us do we not sneeze
Prick us do we not bleed
Wrong us, shall we not rip you out of the ground

Our revels now have ended weeds
Cry havoc, and let slip the weed eaters of War.
The last 2 years was the healthy time that I ever had in my life. The pollen allergy used to make me cough. I didn't even have one single cough since the beginning of 2020. The facemask does work well. It not only protects me from catching COVID, it also protects me from catching other things.
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