Last Poster #7

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Email transaction

User (in a remote office) submits request for broken mobile phone....iPhone
Tell user how to get a new iPhone
They return with a model number of a phone that is a desk phone
I ask if they are trying to replace a desk phone or an iPhone
They respond with...."the broken one"

Email transaction

User (in a remote office) submits request for broken mobile phone....iPhone
Tell user how to get a new iPhone
They return with a model number of a phone that is a desk phone
I ask if they are trying to replace a desk phone or an iPhone
They respond with...."the broken one"

Yesterday, had a client that I was trying to download our remote client/connect to my session. To do that, they go to remote.x(our company).com. Here's part of the convo that occurred:
Me: "blah blah blah Do you need x spelled out?"
Her: "No, I got it... I can't find it on your site., right?"
Me: "Close, you have to put remote dot in the front, so just type in 'remote-dot-x-dot-com."
Her: "Ah, okay. Wait...still not working."
Me: "Can you read to me what you typed in?"
Her: ""
Me: "Okay, so after remote, it has to be a period. Make sure you don't use any other symbols."
Her: "Okay, Got it."
I ended up emailing her a link (which also, somehow, didn't work).
thankfully no. We had those with the last round, a couple of weeks ago.
Just a lot of rain, thunder, and more rain.
and the power went out for less than a minute.
We did not have and notable damage but it got pretty rough here with 65+ mph winds. Three of my clients suffered damage to their industrial buildings. One was rather major.
Last count I heard was 10 touching down in middle TN.
Yesterday, had a client that I was trying to download our remote client/connect to my session. To do that, they go to remote.x(our company).com. Here's part of the convo that occurred:
Me: "blah blah blah Do you need x spelled out?"
Her: "No, I got it... I can't find it on your site., right?"
Me: "Close, you have to put remote dot in the front, so just type in 'remote-dot-x-dot-com."
Her: "Ah, okay. Wait...still not working."
Me: "Can you read to me what you typed in?"
Her: ""
Me: "Okay, so after remote, it has to be a period. Make sure you don't use any other symbols."
Her: "Okay, Got it."
I ended up emailing her a link (which also, somehow, didn't work).

A couple months ago

Setting up a VDI for someone remotely
Sent then the server address
they continued to tell me it did not work
I asked did they enter the address in as the server
they said yes
after about 10 minutes of this I asked them how they entered the name of the server
they said they clicked on the link and it does not work.......
Apparently the part of the instructions that said "Type" in the server address

I have now added to the instructions.....THIS IS NOT A LINK. DO NOT CLICK ON IT, IT WILL NOT WORK

Also had one for laptops where I gave them instructions with password and on the sheet it said, do not leave in laptop case with.
Got laptops back with sticky notes taped to them with the passwords
added to the instructions to, do not tape to laptop
Got a laptop back with the instructions stapled to the case
user's response was "I did not tape it to the laptop or leave it tin the case....did not think attaching it to the case would be a problem...........

I added to the instructions not staple to case...

Also had a user set his scrolling screen saver to scroll his password....because nowhere was he told he could not do that

I have thousands of these stories after almost 30 years in government
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Email transaction

User (in a remote office) submits request for broken mobile phone....iPhone
Tell user how to get a new iPhone
They return with a model number of a phone that is a desk phone
I ask if they are trying to replace a desk phone or an iPhone
They respond with...."the broken one"

Well, they didn't need to replace the one that wasn't broken, now, did they?
A couple months ago

Setting up a VDI for someone remotely
Sent then the server address
they continued to tell me it did not work
I asked did they enter the address in as the server
they said yes
after about 10 minutes of this I asked them how they entered the name of the server
they said they clicked on the link and it does not work.......
Apparently the part of the instructions that said "Type" in the server address

I have now added to the instructions.....THIS IS NOT A LINK. DO NOT CLICK ON IT, IT WILL NOT WORK

Also had one for laptops where I gave them instructions with password and on the sheet it said, do not leave in laptop case with.
Got laptops back with sticky notes taped to them with the passwords
added to the instructions to, do not tape to laptop
Got a laptop back with the instructions stapled to the case
user's response was "I did not tape it to the laptop or leave it tin the case....did not think attaching it to the case would be a problem...........

I added to the instructions not staple to case...

Also had a user set his scrolling screen saver to scroll his password....because nowhere was he told he could not do that

I have thousands of these stories after almost 30 years in government
stock in Bayer I assume..... as many aspirins as this takes.....
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