In Beijing, in the hotel with a bit of jetlag, took almost a week for it to catch up to me, found i have free wifi and that MT is not censored like Google, Yahoo, and YouTube.
So hello MT from Beijing.
I’ve been to a couple temples, the great wall at Mutainyu and Tiantan park (Temple of Heaven). Last time i was here was 18 years ago and Tiantan was free to get in. Now they charge. But i still got in for free, because here in Beijing i am a geezer. I got the senior discount, and for Tiantan, that means free.
But sadly, Tiantan now charging ticket fees has cut down considerably on the possibility of finding a bunch of martial artist there doung there thing. Didn’t even see any taijiquan, and i was there early.
Will be going to the summer palace and the Forbidden City before i return to the USA.
Also it is hot here, been in the upper 80s to upper 90s.
However i find i am still more comfortable and relaxed here thsn i am in any other city. Heard Mrs Xue ( who is a Beijingren) telling our youngest today, while at Tiantan… “I’m pretty sure daddy was Chinese in a few previous lives, he’s to at ease here for a foreigner”