Last Poster #7

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Well, after the first pfizer dose, no real issues to speak of. The arm is sore, but nothing out of norm for a vaccine. The only really noticeable affect is fatigue. I was pooped yesterday afternoon and ended up going to be even earlier than usual. Feeling okay today.

All that said, I guess most people feel stronger affects after the second dose (if they have a reaction at all, that is.)
need to check where to get mine
Any kind, I don't care!

if more than one person is in the household, does it matter if they get different ones?
need to check where to get mine
Any kind, I don't care!

if more than one person is in the household, does it matter if they get different ones?
I don't believe so. Just matters that you get your second dose the same as your first. But I'm no doctor, so don't take my word for it.
Covid Vaccine check in: Its all good today, no aches, no sleepiness, back to normal....or as least as normal as I was before the vaccine
What was your cool super power? I cansee a color that doesn't exist...
Well, after the first pfizer dose, no real issues to speak of. The arm is sore, but nothing out of norm for a vaccine. The only really noticeable affect is fatigue. I was pooped yesterday afternoon and ended up going to be even earlier than usual. Feeling okay today.

All that said, I guess most people feel stronger affects after the second dose (if they have a reaction at all, that is.)
I had Moderna, and the reaction was a little stronger on the second dose (Moderna seems to have somewhat stronger reactions on average, too). Shoulder was much sorer, and earlier, but it only lasted a day or two. I crashed really early that next evening - no reaction like that on the first dose.

All more than usual for me, but nothing surprising.
Anyone ever watch the movie "Army of Frankensteins"..... my recommendation is, if you come across it...... just keep on looking for something else, don't watch it... it makes "Plan 9 from outer space" and Gymkata look like it is loaded with Academy award winning performances
April 15, 2021.....Spring....about an hour east of me they are supposed to get 4 to 6 inches of snow tonight. About 1.5 to 2 hours north east of me, they are suppose to get 15 inches of its raining really hard, but we may get a coating to an inch
April 15, 2021.....Spring....about an hour east of me they are supposed to get 4 to 6 inches of snow tonight. About 1.5 to 2 hours north east of me, they are suppose to get 15 inches of its raining really hard, but we may get a coating to an inch
First really nice week of the year here. 70f and sunny today. Should be nice all week. I know this sounds like rubbing it in, but it was a long, dark winter, so the sun is much needed.
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