Anyone ever not know where you're going in life?
Every. Single. Day.
Seriously, it's a feeling I grapple with constantly, I've never really known. For years and years I tried to force myself to know, high school certainly drilled it in that we had to know our career, had to know what we were going to do etc. It became such a pressure that I did things just because I felt I had to.
I finally just came to terms with that sense of unknown and uncertainty, and tried to trust a bit. The trajectory has really been interesting, and it's more like riding the wave of where life is taking me. Some people know, and that's great. But not everyone does, and I think that's something to cherish, as it leads one down a different type of path.
I've never been truly fulfilled with any job I've had, but I can see that they've all served a purpose.
Accumulating things and following the traditional way of life is not for everyone. Of course, some things are darn handy to have, and they come if you truly actually want them and apply yourself. But I'm finding I have to follow my own intuition and path in all this if there's to be any semblance of fulfillment.
Comparing myself with others destroyed me, and was (IS) something I had/have to work on. I had to let go of comparing, and rather looking at others as sources of inspiration rather than superior/inferior comparison.
Nothing to show for it you say.. to me, the fact that you're HERE, living, and being your authentic self shows everything. All the other "stuff".. to me doesn't even factor in, and doesn't compare to you just being here. Accumulating achievements is something I left a time ago, yet I found that they happened naturally as a result of just following what I value and love in life, rather than aiming to achieve.
I certainly haven't gotten it all sorted out. I think there are many who on the surface seem to but don't really. Then I don't really understand what it means to have it all "sorted out" or "something to show for it". I would absolutely inquire deeply into what you actually mean when you say that, find the root of it. Our mindset and frame of reference is powerful, any unexamined assumptions can really get us into quite a pickle, as we compare ourselves with everyone else based on some false notion of something we don't even really value!
All just my own ponderings, take or leave as you like haha