I'm pretty much done with social media, except martial talk, and youtube. Literally everyone ghost me, even my pastor. I'm starting to think I have a sign on my back that says "ghost me it's fun" I laugh about it to all my friends, but deep down it hurts. I never do anything bad to no one and I treat everyone with respect yet I get disrespect like this all the time. I'll admit I'm a bit of a geek, but I try my hardest to live by the golden rule and only put out positive energy into the world. Reddit sucks, chat rooms are mostly dead even if you can find them. The only communities online where I've found acceptance are martial talk and youtube. I probably shouldn't take this personally, but it happens so much I can't help but notice it. If I showed screen shots to my friends they would be like what the hell? But enough of this rant. I hope you all got in some good stuff today. I'm gonna go get a workout in.