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That's on Tuesday and thursday, and a bit below my Martial arts budget ($75/month or 50/month for 6 months).
There's another mma place I might sign up for their muay thai classes for monday/wednesday.

I observed the end of their class, with legit sparring and everyone was clearly getting a good workout (all shirts were drenched). Only thing is they're $150/month so I'd have to wait and make sure I can budget for both of them.
Was at work for an hour, the CEO called an emergency meeting, in an office near my desk. I was trying to debug something and finally making progress (I found where the code should be, and put in a placeholder/test that worked...just need to find what function to call), so I didn't attend and just listened in from my desk.

He berated everyone for not planning better resulting us being there the Friday before Christmas, gave everyone breakfast and told us all to go home. Glad I'm using my PTO next week, not this week.
And I take FULL responsibility.... but I do not appreciate you getting even by sending those temps our way for Christmas eve and Christmas day
Down to -15F last night.
I've only known it to be humid a handful of times over thirty years. But I've known it to be unbearably humid in New England more times than I can count.
I think it's a matter of perception, like so much. You're just used to it. Average humidity in Hawaii is 73% (about the same as New England), which is outrageous to someone who lives in Colorado, where it's 33%.
I think it's a matter of perception, like so much. You're just used to it. Average humidity in Hawaii is 73% (about the same as New England), which is outrageous to someone who lives in Colorado, where it's 33%.

Michigan is about 72% and sees mid to high 80% as normal in the summer.
A friend and I took a trip (in college) to San Diego and to save money we flew through Vegas and it was summer time.
It went from about 85% Humidity to Teens or low 20's even though the average is in the low 30%.
Upon landing and opening the door, I said boy is it dry here.
We hung out there for a few hours (long enough lay over to hit the strip )
And then got back and finished our trip to San Diego.
Once the door was open in San Diego and I said wow there is moisture in the air. :D
It was high 50% which is normal for their afternoon / early evening.

It is perception :D
About an hour after I read your, and Rich’s posts, a couple local guys stopped by to give us some dakine that they had grown us for a Christmas present.

I shared your posts with them. They laughed and said “Don’t you love it when people from the mainland, who maybe spent six months here, explain to us about the weather on Maui?”

Years ago, there was a great Sports Radio station here. I used to call them every day, became fairly well know from doing so.

The main radio host was also a sport’s reporter for the paper here. He had a family reunion every year in Buffalo New York. One hundred and sixty people.

Every year he would take his two sons and two of his nephews to a different Major League Baseball park for a game.

I was back in Boston at the time. He called me and asked if I could get him tickets to a Red Sox game as they all wanted to experience Fenway Park.

Two of my friends and three of my students worked there so I got him and the kids free tickets in very good seats, and a tour of Fenway Park the next day.

The week before they were to come I called him to see if he needed anything else.
While we were talking I told him Boston gets an average of three nasty heat waves each summer, fortunately for only three days each, but it’s nasty hot and even nastier humidity.

He laughed and said “I’m originally from Southern California, and have lived her for twenty five years now, trust me that heat and humidity do not bother me at all.”

Game night came. It was nasty. It was so humid the poor guy almost passed out. Kept saying, “this is crazy, how do you stand it?”

I walked them back to their hotel after the game. We passed one of those clock that showed the temperature. We were walking back at midnight. The temp was 91 degrees. But it was so humid him and the kids had to sit down twice and douse their heads from water bottles I had provided.

I still bust their chops to this day.

If you haven’t lived in both Maui and Boston, perhaps perception isn’t the right term to use on this particular comparison.
Had to run some errands today. Made a dump run, then to Costco.

There's only 120,000 people who live here. While I was at the dump, and in a really long line, I thought, "Damn, about a third of the island is here."

Found out an hour and a half later the other two thirds were at Costco.
Finally found a martial arts dojo last night I think I'm going to stick with. They do tai chi and shaolin kung fu. Seemed legit, everyone there was friendly, the person I was working with had very good control over her body/was very fluid, and noticed that I performed the form better when I knew the application (without me asking) so proceeded to show me the application of each move I was weird on, for both the tai chi and shaolin form.

Both impressed me that she caught that, and that she on-the-spot knew the application of each part of the form.
That's bloody fantastic to hear!!! Sounds like a place I would absolutely want to train! The search for a new place is always definitely worth it, enjoy :)
That's bloody fantastic to hear!!! Sounds like a place I would absolutely want to train! The search for a new place is always definitely worth it, enjoy :)
Yup. Went through i think 6 places first. Actually had a call with my wife where i was saying I may be too picky, and she pointed out I'd be there for years, so a couple months looking was worth it. Glad I did, now.
your wife gets you!
wise woman
I am very lucky. Most would tell me to go for the cheapest, or just dismiss me and tell me to go for the first I found. She knows nothing about martial arts, yet knows my passion and focused on that.

Don't know how I got so lucky, but I'm not taking it for granted.
it's 10 degrees here this morning 'feels like -4'

the egg I found this morning when I brought water to my chickens was frozen.
About an hour after I read your, and Rich’s posts, a couple local guys stopped by to give us some dakine that they had grown us for a Christmas present.

I shared your posts with them. They laughed and said “Don’t you love it when people from the mainland, who maybe spent six months here, explain to us about the weather on Maui?”

Years ago, there was a great Sports Radio station here. I used to call them every day, became fairly well know from doing so.

The main radio host was also a sport’s reporter for the paper here. He had a family reunion every year in Buffalo New York. One hundred and sixty people.

Every year he would take his two sons and two of his nephews to a different Major League Baseball park for a game.

I was back in Boston at the time. He called me and asked if I could get him tickets to a Red Sox game as they all wanted to experience Fenway Park.

Two of my friends and three of my students worked there so I got him and the kids free tickets in very good seats, and a tour of Fenway Park the next day.

The week before they were to come I called him to see if he needed anything else.
While we were talking I told him Boston gets an average of three nasty heat waves each summer, fortunately for only three days each, but it’s nasty hot and even nastier humidity.

He laughed and said “I’m originally from Southern California, and have lived her for twenty five years now, trust me that heat and humidity do not bother me at all.”

Game night came. It was nasty. It was so humid the poor guy almost passed out. Kept saying, “this is crazy, how do you stand it?”

I walked them back to their hotel after the game. We passed one of those clock that showed the temperature. We were walking back at midnight. The temp was 91 degrees. But it was so humid him and the kids had to sit down twice and douse their heads from water bottles I had provided.

I still bust their chops to this day.

If you haven’t lived in both Maui and Boston, perhaps perception isn’t the right term to use on this particular comparison.

Well I lived near Boston had a brother-in-law (ex-brother-in-law...very ex actually) that lived in Maui and I lived near Boston on the North Shore and near Worcester... I may have even stayed at a holiday in express once in Framingham... so I say that Rich is right... and, in my experience, New England temperatures in summer are paradise..... and I never once...except for the times I did every year.... experience the heat waves you are taking about....oh and I never talked to my brother-in-law about the weather in Maui.... so you see.... I'm an expert on the topic.... :D
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