Last Poster #7

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I feel your pain.

Once had to do a remote desktop session to a users PC, asked them to log off or restart, they said they would. I waited a couple minutes and hen tried to connect.... they shut down and went home for the day.

Had another I explained what I needed to do and told to save everything and log off, they said they were logging off now. I did remote desktop and it came up as someone logged on....waited a few minutes... tried again... still someone logged on.... called the user, a
Me: were going to log off...
User: I'm to busy to log off....Can't you do this while I work?"
Me: no, I explained this already.
User: well I'm to busy, can you do this after 6....
Me: no, I leave at 5....
User, Well, then work late
Me: No
User: Doesn't anyone work in IT
Me: Yes, until 5:00
User: Well I can't do this now, call back later
Me: call me when you're ready, between 9:00 am and 4:00.
User: Thought you worked toll 5:00
Me: I do, it will take an hour to do what I have to do, an I leave at 5:00
User: I guess IT is just lazy, I want to talk to your supervisor
Me: He's gone for the day
User: now yelling, "NOBODY WORKS THERE I GUESS!"
Me: Yes we do, have a good evening

Ended reporting this to my CIO, who was my boss. He called the office, found out this was an intern. My CIO had a rather long talk with the Director of that regional...I have no idea what happened to the intern, but I never did get a call back
My shift is set for 6 just to deal with those conversations (if someone's insistent it be done after their shift they ask if I can connect at 5). The users that request that constantly either 1. work late and ask if someone can connect after 6 as well, or 2. shut their computer down/close the lid despite being specifically asked to leave it running. Most of the time I'm also unable to test whatever they're asking about too.

I can't imagine being that user...especially as an intern. If i was interning somewhere and had a tech issue, I'd either find a different way to work so that IT can fix it, or be the one to work late rather than demanding someone else do it. And definitely wouldn't want to be complaining to the CIO...interns should hope the supervisors don't know there names.
My shift is set for 6 just to deal with those conversations (if someone's insistent it be done after their shift they ask if I can connect at 5). The users that request that constantly either 1. work late and ask if someone can connect after 6 as well, or 2. shut their computer down/close the lid despite being specifically asked to leave it running. Most of the time I'm also unable to test whatever they're asking about too.

I can't imagine being that user...especially as an intern. If i was interning somewhere and had a tech issue, I'd either find a different way to work so that IT can fix it, or be the one to work late rather than demanding someone else do it. And definitely wouldn't want to be complaining to the CIO...interns should hope the supervisors don't know there names.

Hey, I'm a government worker...everybody knows "government worker" is an oxymoron and they are all shiftless slackers and do nothings ;)
Update. Issue with the install so had to restart again. I know she was on her computer as she replied to the chatbox moments before. Messaged her that I was restarting and to log in again. Took another 10 minutes for her to log in after it powered back on. And now is fighting me for control of her computer as I try to fix.
Again I feel your pain..

On a more humorous note, that certainly did not bode will for IT that day. A colleague of mine needed to remote to a PC (remote desktop) he put in the PC name (this is just an example) PC-123abc. hit connect, did not pay attention to any of the popups nd hit connect again. About a minute later a regional director is calling to say some one hacked into their PC nd took it over.... my colleague comes running over to my desk in a panic, not knowing what to see, technically he as the hacker.... I old him to own up to it, apologize offer to help with recovery if needed....luckily nothing was lost and the RD was ok with it...... the computer he actually should have been connecting to was PC-123acb
Not taking a pro-gun or anti-gun stance here. But I'm not a fan of not well thought out laws that waste mine and every other taxpayers money though

NYS new gun laws went into effect yesterday.... part of that law makes it a felony to have a gun in a state park...there are about 132,000 permanent residence of the Adirondack state park. I am guessing, and this is a conservative estimate, that at least half have there are at least 66,000 wanted felons living in the Adirondack state park... and that number will only go up when all those NYC folks come north to do some hunting.... more felons on the way... Econ, the State Police, Park Police, local Sheriff's departments and local Police forces sure have their work cut out for them
Had to uninstall an old version of office and reinstall new version... A really simple thing. Called the lady, let her know how long it was going to take (about half hour give or take 5 minutes, assuming no issues). Normally try to keep them on the phone in case there are any issues, but this lady really didn't want to be on the phone. I told her that's fine, just be aware in about 5 minutes I'm going to restart your computer, and will need you to log in. Also, I'm creating a chatbox so we can communicate if there are any issues.

Well, five minutes in I restart, and she doesn't log in. I figure she's not actively looking, give her 5-10 minutes, no log in. Call her, no ringing just directly to voicemail. Send her an email, no response. At this point it's been right around 30 minutes and she just logged in as I was typing this. Get the feeling that initial estimate is no longer valid.
I guess you know how much she values your time now.

In other related news, We moved to office 365 and it’s great. I’m teaching my team to use power automate and share point to make our lives a lot easier.
I guess you know how much she values your time now.

In other related news, We moved to office 365 and it’s great. I’m teaching my team to use power automate and share point to make our lives a lot easier.
Sharepoint is great. The trick is getting people to continue to use it.
Not taking a pro-gun or anti-gun stance here. But I'm not a fan of not well thought out laws that waste mine and every other taxpayers money though

NYS new gun laws went into effect yesterday.... part of that law makes it a felony to have a gun in a state park...there are about 132,000 permanent residence of the Adirondack state park. I am guessing, and this is a conservative estimate, that at least half have there are at least 66,000 wanted felons living in the Adirondack state park... and that number will only go up when all those NYC folks come north to do some hunting.... more felons on the way... Econ, the State Police, Park Police, local Sheriff's departments and local Police forces sure have their work cut out for them
I know it was always illegal to have a firearm in a National Park, which at first put me in a conundrum.
I was supposed to be Armed at all times, and I always loved National Parks. So I went to my bosses.

They said, "Will you please stop asking these tough questions and just play it by ear, we'll have your back."

Oh, ya, that sure put me at ease. Have my back.....Suuuuuuuure you will.
I guess you know how much she values your time now.
And not as much as she should. I'm not an employee of her company, her company is one of our clients. They pay a fee per hour of work we do for them, and we're not the cheapest option around. All told, they're getting billed 1.75 hours for something that should have been .5, and most of that was just me waiting around for her.
I know it was always illegal to have a firearm in a National Park, which at first put me in a conundrum.
I was supposed to be Armed at all times, and I always loved National Parks. So I went to my bosses.

They said, "Will you please stop asking these tough questions and just play it by ear, we'll have your back."

Oh, ya, that sure put me at ease. Have my back.....Suuuuuuuure you will.
Well, have your back could mean two things. They'll either protect it, or slip a knife in it. As to which one they'll, they'll probably play it by ear.
Sharepoint is great. The trick is getting people to continue to use it.
SharePoint is ubiquitous in my job. We use it extensively for all kinds of things, and I've been customizing and managing SharePoint sites since 2004 when it was literally an add-on feature of Server 2003.

And with the new Office tools, I'm going back and revisiting some of the applications that we have programmed in .NET, and moving them to no code/low code solutions that my team can manage themselves. It's really cool. Powerapps and Powerautomate are game changers for us. I'm very impressed by the power and flexibility of these new tools.
I guess you know how much she values your time now.

In other related news, We moved to office 365 and it’s great. I’m teaching my team to use power automate and share point to make our lives a lot easier.

We've been O365 for a long time now, but we do not use SharePoint much. Teams seems to be more popular among IT... I hate Teams by the way.

Although some of the offices are big on SharePoint
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I know it was always illegal to have a firearm in a National Park, which at first put me in a conundrum.
I was supposed to be Armed at all times, and I always loved National Parks. So I went to my bosses.

They said, "Will you please stop asking these tough questions and just play it by ear, we'll have your back."

Oh, ya, that sure put me at ease. Have my back.....Suuuuuuuure you will.
I had the same warm fuzzy feeling from by bosses at the first state office I worked in when I was security there, and the last hospital I worked as security..... when they said "we got your back".....

Police in NYS are required to be armed at all times too. In uniform this law does not apply, I am not sure if it applies out of uniform. Could also be why the NYS Sheriffs association has come out saying this law is not thought-out well and there was no input what-so-ever by any police organizations about it. This is all from politicians
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I had the same warm fuzzy feeling from by bosses at the first state office I worked in when I was security there, and the last hospital I worked as security..... when they said "we got your back".....

Police in NYS are required to be armed at all times too. In uniform this law does not apply, I am not sure ow it applies out of uniform. Cold also be why the NYS Sheriffs association has come out saying this law is not thought-out well and there was no input what-so-ever by any police organizations about it. This is all from politicians
I was used to having a handgun on my person at all times, even at the beach. (No, you couldn't see it)
Over thirty years worth. But I hate guns. Hate em. I'm really good with them, but I loathe them.

Now....I don't carry a firearm any more, anywhere, ever. I couldn't be happier. Yay!

EDIT - I am officially retired as of today. Know what I carry instead of a firearm? A great, big fat joint.

I may even get a holster for it.
I was used to having a handgun on my person at all times, even at the beach. (No, you couldn't see it)
Over thirty years worth. But I hate guns. Hate em. I'm really good with them, but I loathe them.

Now....I don't carry a firearm any more, anywhere, ever. I couldn't be happier. Yay!

I'm not a fan of guns, I do own a few, but I don't carry

I use to know a lot of police, and they were always carrying, because they were required. I had one good friend who was also a trained sniper for a PD. He always had a gun on him. But I use to always tell him, you only scare me when I can't see you.
We've been O365 for a long time now, but we do not use SharePoint much. Teams seems to be more popular among IT... I hate Teams by the way.

Although some of the offices are big on SharePoint
Teams and SharePoint are connected at the hip. Or more accurately, if you use Teams, you're using SharePoint. There is a SharePoint site propping up every MS Team.
Teams and SharePoint are connected at the hip. Or more accurately, if you use Teams, you're using SharePoint. There is a SharePoint site propping up every MS Team.


I don't want hear it or know about soon as someone finds out I know anything about it, likely I will b told to support it...and I have enough to do and enough coming my way soon
I go to the beach every five years or so. Just to remind myself not to go to the beach.

Same reason my friends and I take the Road to Hana every ten years. To remind ourselves never to do it again. Then we forget. Must be something in the air. :)
The road to Hana is much improved last I heard. I let my friends go and just stayed in Napili bay.
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