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Trying to think of games/forum ideas to post that can be active but also lighthearted. Kind of like the greatest boxer 'tournament' I did a few years back. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to message me or just start the thread yourselves!
The 3 word ones were always hilarious haha... but keen for a new sort!

Edit: just saw the new thread, wicked :D !!
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Well I'm actual royalty... about 11 generations removed..... oh and the country no longer exists.....
I’m not. I’ve got some cool family ancestors but I don’t think I am related to anyone famous or any royalty.

Closest I’ve got is an aunt who eloped with jerry Garcia when he was 19 and she was 14. Their car broke down and they never made it to Vegas. Lucky because he probably wouldn’t have become famous if they had.
I’m not. I’ve got some cool family ancestors but I don’t think I am related to anyone famous or any royalty.

Closest I’ve got is an aunt who eloped with jerry Garcia when he was 19 and she was 14. Their car broke down and they never made it to Vegas. Lucky because he probably wouldn’t have become famous if they had.
Frederick William I of Prussia
according to my ex-wife, who was really into this stuff, I am related to the current royal family in England through a marriage many years ago... I figure I am about 1,432,675th in line for the throne :D
they made a movie about a guy like this!
Which by the way makes you related to the rest of the crowned houses, plus all those folks who have nothing to show for their life but a 'von' and appearances in tabloits.
they made a movie about a guy like this!
Which by the way makes you related to the rest of the crowned houses, plus all those folks who have nothing to show for their life but a 'von' and appearances in tabloits.
fun fact, if you go back about 30 or so generations, not only are all Europeans related to each other, but we are all descended from Charlemagne. I recall reading this as I was working on some genealogy. I gues Charlemagne is estimated to have like 1 billion living ancestors.
they made a movie about a guy like this!
Which by the way makes you related to the rest of the crowned houses, plus all those folks who have nothing to show for their life but a 'von' and appearances in tabloits.
Yes, it was Shanghai Knights, with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson.
according to my ex-wife, who was really into this stuff, I am related to the current royal family in England through a marriage many years ago... I figure I am about 1,432,675th in line for the throne :D
Bow down, peasant. I'm (does some maths...) 4-5 generations descended from the Chief of Clan Cochrane, the Earl of Dundonald. And I have a baronial title. Sadly, it did not include land, a castle, or serfs, but I will accept applications.
The 10th Earl (Thomas Cochrane) was apparently a naval genius. It's believed that his life was the inspiration behind the characters Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey. He's buried at Westminster Abbey.
they made a movie about a guy like this!
Which by the way makes you related to the rest of the crowned houses, plus all those folks who have nothing to show for their life but a 'von' and appearances in tabloits.

DANG!!! I didn't even get a "von"..... I've been ROBBED!!!!!!
Bow down, peasant. I'm (does some maths...) 4-5 generations descended from the Chief of Clan Cochrane, the Earl of Dundonald. And I have a baronial title. Sadly, it did not include land, a castle, or serfs, but I will accept applications.
The 10th Earl (Thomas Cochrane) was apparently a naval genius. It's believed that his life was the inspiration behind the characters Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey. He's buried at Westminster Abbey.

OH Yeah...well my clan in Scotland was stricken from the books and kicked out of Scotland by King James I. Apparently they were to rowdy and not really into the modern ways the king wanted... they went on to be kicked out of Ireland and then later Nova Scotia....but Pennsylvania was apparently to scared of them to ask them to leave so... they you see... part of my family was from royalty and the other part was big on being rowdy and to put it in proper Scottish from the more rebellious side of the family....... Ah ain't bowin doon tae nobody

and all this is just my mother side of the family
saw a...well... idiot today....
I was at a T intersection onto a major roadway (4 lanes), waiting to turn left, there was a motorcycle behind me. Just as I saw an opening coming up, I heard the motorcycle revving his engine, the opening appears, I started to go, and he passed me on the right. He had to be on the dirt to do this. I saw him and hit the breaks.... he's lucky, because at the angle he pulled in front of me, going left, if I did not see him, I most certainly would have hit him
OH Yeah...well my clan in Scotland was stricken from the books and kicked out of Scotland by King James I. Apparently they were to rowdy and not really into the modern ways the king wanted... they went on to be kicked out of Ireland and then later Nova Scotia....but Pennsylvania was apparently to scared of them to ask them to leave so... they you see... part of my family was from royalty and the other part was big on being rowdy and to put it in proper Scottish from the more rebellious side of the family....... Ah ain't bowin doon tae nobody

and all this is just my mother side of the family
I'm Scottish on both sides. The problem is that the Clan MacThomas is a Highland clan, and the Clan Cochran is a lowland clan. So there's genetic self-conflict.
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