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It's amazing how far people will go to get out of jail. We used to see the same prisoner repeatedly. He'd been assaulted, had a brain bleed, and required surgery. All was well, and he went back to prison. Kept coming back with wound infections. Cultures grew out E Coli. Yes, he was smearing poo on his incision. He didn't think it through though. Eventually the skin infection became a brain abscess and he died.

Saw a few myself prisoners while working at the hospital myself, even saw a few juveniles. Also saw a few brought in on mental health warrants, those were always fun. The last hospital had a mental health and detox ward. But there were several prisoners with various ailments, most of which were fake.
My little girl isnt a little girl any more.


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Saw a few myself prisoners while working at the hospital myself, even saw a few juveniles. Also saw a few brought in on mental health warrants, those were always fun. The last hospital had a mental health and detox ward. But there were several prisoners with various ailments, most of which were fake.
after having watched '60 Days In', I can't really blame them for faking stuff to sleep in a nice clean bed for a night or two

On the other hand, the county drags them folks to the hospital, and right as they are put under for surgery they get released. So they wake up, and owe the hospital money....and have to go back to jail.
During the protest/riots in Boston in 2020, upscale stores were being looted. A young woman was directing some of the looters to bring her more gold and less silver. She had one of her friends film her on her phone.

She then promptly posted it to social media. Next day, armed with a search warrant, the police showed up. Found a half million worth of stolen goods. One of my buddies told her "you looked good on camera, though."
Today I learned that in Norway, a slang term for crazy or out of control is "Texas." As in, "that party was totally crazy" in Norwegian would be "det var helt Texas."

I'm amused, but I also kind of get it. :)
"Those darn cowboy movies"....:)
The word is slang for "crazy" or "wild" and is used to refer to a chaotic atmosphere, Texas Monthly first reported.
It became part of the language when Norwegians started watching cowboy movies and reading Western literature, according to Daniel Gusfre Ims, the head of the advisory service at the Language Council of Norway.
"The genre was extremely popular in Norway, and a lot of it featured Texas, so the word became a symbol of something lawless and without control," he says.
Saw a few myself prisoners while working at the hospital myself, even saw a few juveniles. Also saw a few brought in on mental health warrants, those were always fun. The last hospital had a mental health and detox ward. But there were several prisoners with various ailments, most of which were fake.
Yup. One of my jobs was to determine which "patients" brought in by police and/or family actually needed to go to either the mental health area or detox, and which one's could go back to the police. A lot of them left very unhappy with me.
During the protest/riots in Boston in 2020, upscale stores were being looted. A young woman was directing some of the looters to bring her more gold and less silver. She had one of her friends film her on her phone.

She then promptly posted it to social media. Next day, armed with a search warrant, the police showed up. Found a half million worth of stolen goods. One of my buddies told her "you looked good on camera, though."

Yeah. Facebook is really making a cops job easier.
Yup. One of my jobs was to determine which "patients" brought in by police and/or family actually needed to go to either the mental health area or detox, and which one's could go back to the police. A lot of them left very unhappy with me.

I made no decisions, just wrestled them to the floor when they were a problem.... this was during the early aids stuff, I really did not like wrestling with bleeding IV drug using heroin addicts
When Davy Crockett lost his second run for Congress in Tennessee, he was so pissed, he said, "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas."

As with most people who go to Texas, things didn't turn out very well for him.

Wait until Norway learns about Flordia Man lol
As for Texas sitting on the back porch of our VRBO in San Antonio drinking coffee and its almost 65 degrees ill take it lol. Its was in the mid 20s this morning back home lol
News said we'd have snow flurries today...and we had one...that lasted from 8:00am to 2;00pm...we got an inch of snow from that flurry
During the protest/riots in Boston in 2020, upscale stores were being looted. A young woman was directing some of the looters to bring her more gold and less silver. She had one of her friends film her on her phone.

She then promptly posted it to social media. Next day, armed with a search warrant, the police showed up. Found a half million worth of stolen goods. One of my buddies told her "you looked good on camera, though."

Got to tell you this. When I was in Hospital security 2nd shift, a guy parked in the far back corner of the front lot. I was about to go check it when a deputy pulled in, he asked what was going on and I told him. He decided to walk out with me. We got there and the guy was in the car drinking beer. The deputy asks for license and registration. The guy gets out of the car hands him his license and reg and then starts this stupid little dance, while holding a can of beer and singing, "you can't arrest me I'm not driving, you can't arrest me I'm not driving" must have gone through about a dozen verses of this when the deputy looked at him and asked..."how'd you get here"...the response... "I drove".... which was followed by the deputy saying.. "'re under arrest"
If you are also looking for mushin, I also would recommend CMA standing postures like standing post and wuji.
No thought, no attempt to move any Qi, just stand and breath and after a few sessions and some time standing you start to notice all sorts of internal connections. I was at about 18 minutes when I started to notice connections. Much like seated meditation you just stand, if a thought arises, do not try and suppress it, acknowledge it and it will move on. Eventually the monkey mind subsides and you are just standing
Ah that's right I forgot to circle back to this. @Xue Sheng I've given standing meditation a few tries since, it's really fascinating!

Today I did a seated meditation, followed by standing meditation for 5 or so minutes, then some slow relaxed movement. In the standing I noticed that there's never really any stillness in the body, there's always flow and movement going on. I noticed how some muscles were contracting/holding on unnecessarily and without doing anything they just sort of... let go. At some stage strangely I noticed my body rocking back and forth without me choosing it haha.

The first time I tried it I remember my upper back was getting sooo sore, this time it didn't but I'll try the standing posture for longer and see what happens.

I'm curious trying this in different karate stances as well. Not the deeper stances, but just to see if I can settle into them and what I feel.

Feeling pretty relaxed and spaced out at the moment though :)
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