Last Poster #7

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Seems like Colorado finally remembered it's supposed to be winter. 6" of snow, 8F right now, with w high of 17F predicted.

Well...the slow moving, long lasting storm is here.... currently been raining all day..... later today it will turn to freezing rain and sleet....then later this evening snow..... I have heard 3 different snow amount predictions from 3 different weather basically come to we are getting between... 3 to 12 inches of snow...with a nice glaze of ice underneath to make it interesting...
So....the wise an omnipotent IT powers that be in the state...create a super secret policy that they did not let anyone know about.... this policy took my access and a few of my collegies access away from a crucial system..... and instead of admitting they messed up (this is not a new approach on their part by the way) they want to forces although fingerprinting a background checks to systems we have had access to for years before they locked us out of based on this super secret policy they apparently keep in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”.... yeah.... there's a battle going on at the moment....
The icy roads are crazy bad here. We had the 'perfect' combination of rain/sleet followed by dropping temps to make most of the state a sheet of ice. Two interstates are shut down near Nashville. The last number I heard was 27 accidents in and around Nashville. No telling how many in/around middle TN.
The icy roads are crazy bad here. We had the 'perfect' combination of rain/sleet followed by dropping temps to make most of the state a sheet of ice. Two interstates are shut down near Nashville. The last number I heard was 27 accidents in and around Nashville. No telling how many in/around middle TN.
You have described Texas perfectly....
All the ice and sleet slid off my garage roof and landed in front of my garage doors..... 1 hour of chopping and shovelling just to get half of it open for my wife to get her car out..... being old and the sedentary life I have been living due to this stupid knee.... I was beat...gave up and went inside to take break. But before I did that I took a look at the snow bank of sleet and ice the plow made at the end of my driveway.... you can't plow my entire driveway due to its design, but you can plow the end.... I just contacted someone to see if he will plow the end out.... between that, the other half of my garage, and the driveway and sidewalks... I'll be half day with chopping shoveling and snowblowing.... a regular storm my driveway takes 1.5 to 2 hours.... I'm looking a 6 or more hours with what I have now....and the sleet is still falling....soon to be snow falling
See, it's all this weather talk that calms me down when I start thinking about moving. Yeah, the cost of living is high around here, but there is a reason. Beautiful Summers, green trees, lots of great things to do, and the Winters (while dark and dreary) are mild and generally uneventful.
this is the first time, my driveway in winter, has made me think..... maybe I should move to Texas....

had a friend of mine, a few years ago, tell me he could not take winter any longer. He never thought he'd feel this way since he grew up in Michigan and spent his adult like in upstate NY. He loved winter...unti the winter from hell we had a few years back....snowstorms that dropped 1 to 3 feet of snow, every week for almost 2 months.... he was older than I was..he was in his 60s, I was in my 50s... I said I can't see me moving south...he said I couldn't see myself moving south before either...... I'm still not thinking I need to move to a warmer climate, I still like winter.... I just don't want to deal with this driveway anymore....
this is the first time, my driveway in winter, has made me think..... maybe I should move to Texas....

had a friend of mine, a few years ago, tell me he could not take winter any longer. He never thought he'd feel this way since he grew up in Michigan and spent his adult like in upstate NY. He loved winter...unti the winter from hell we had a few years back....snowstorms that dropped 1 to 3 feet of snow, every week for almost 2 months.... he was older than I was..he was in his 60s, I was in my 50s... I said I can't see me moving south...he said I couldn't see myself moving south before either...... I'm still not thinking I need to move to a warmer climate, I still like winter.... I just don't want to deal with this driveway anymore....
Let me just say, having lived in Texas for many years, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
for the first time in about 50 years...... the winter...and driveway... and ice dams.... won.... I give up..... I closed a sidewalk and called a plow for the plow created ice dam at the end of the driveway....3 hours of chopping, shoveling and snow enough.... I was doing the front sidewalk when I discovered the sleet slid off the roof in front to and made a nice pile of compact, solid, sleet about 1.5 feet deep....3 feet wide... that was the knockout blow..... I went in the house...changed...had lunch...and am now sitting in my recliner contemplating an afternoon nap
Almost fell the other day coming down the front steps, thanks to black ice. I've almost fallen a lot, but this particular time my foot slipped completely, and I had to regain my balance while on one foot. Thank god I'm A) still young enough to do that, and B) trained enough that I can balance on one leg fairly easily
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