Mostly Harmless
over the last... I don't know 40 years, i've given away most of my old paperbacks. Most to my kids, but some to the 2nd hand stores. At this point, all I have left are the ones that, as Marie Kondo would say, "bring me joy."I heard an amusing story today about someone's first interaction with Anne McCaffrey, which has me wanting to go back and read some of the Dragonriders of Pern series. I think I still have them on the shelf.

I pulled out the box, and here's what I found:
Several Robert E Howard paperbacks including the first few Conan book, a Cormac Mac Art book, and a couple of oddballs including a book of short stories by him.
The Crystal Singer by Anne McCaffery.
A couple of Andre Norton books, including the Beast Master.
Most (I don't think all) of the Elric books. I guess I didn't keep the others.
Also in that box: All of the core AD&D books, including two copies of Dieties and Demigods, one of them is first printing with Cthulhu, Newhon, and Melnibonean mythos. I also found like 20 or so original AD&D modules, including B1, B2, X1, and S1-4. D&D nerds will appreciate why those are special to me.