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Stages of life, when I was a kid I loved playing in it, as an adult I didn't like driving in it, as an older person I liked watching it from the window. Now, I live where there is no snow and I like hearing posts like yours where kids are yelling and having fun.
"circle of life"......:)
We don’t get a lot of snow, so the kids swarm when it happens.
We're supposed to get a lot of snow - it's Colorado for crying out loud.
This is supposed to be us:


But instead, today is sunny and 60's. OK, so we have winds to 70MPH, but still...
Welll... it's cold here. In the teens, which is really rare. We get snow every few years, but it rarely lasts more than a few days. Looks like this snow may stick around and we may actually get some more. Going to be an interesting few days. Around here, we had about 6" of snow.

So, over the next several days things happen. Seattle natives freak out and don't go anywhere. But, that doesn't mean we aren't without our entertainment:

"The nearly annual occasion stars several Midwesterners in two-wheel-drive sedans eager to show off snow-driving skills learned on flat plains of salted, plowed streets to Seattleites via Queen Anne’s icy, unplowed hill that descends 500 feet in a half-mile."
So, outside of season 4 of Cobra Kai, what are you all watching?

Hawkeye started off a little weak, but finished strong. Took a few episodes to warm up to it, but I really enjoyed it, overall. I liked the teasers, and the chemistry between the two Hawkeyes was fun to watch. Oh, and Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) is such a great character. She stole the show in the Black Widow movie, and was just as good in this one.

The Witcher season 2 was so good. I can't usually watch more than 2 episodes of anything, max (and that's if I'm really into it). But we ended up watching all 8 episodes over the course of 3 days. It was so good. I've read some critiques, but I never expect TV shows or movies to be entirely faithful to a book. I think that's unrealistic. So, if the characters are somewhat true to the spirit of the source material, and the major beats are there... and most importantly, if the story is well told, I'm good. And Witcher did not disappoint, IMO.
So, outside of season 4 of Cobra Kai, what are you all watching?
I've been laid up for a while following surgery, so I've watched a lot.
The Expanse. The stories are good, the acting is good, and it is one of, if not the, most plausible space shows ever.
The Wheel of Time. The books were, in my view, better than Game of Thrones. They're doing a pretty good job of the TV series. There's some things left out (as always) and they play some games with the time line (without breaking anything). All necessary if you're going to fit one book into an 8 hour season. I have not watched the season finale yet, but the rest of the season has been excellent.
Dexter: New Blood. I waffle on this one. I think they have some good ideas, but they're still trying to find their stride.
I've been laid up for a while following surgery, so I've watched a lot.
The Expanse. The stories are good, the acting is good, and it is one of, if not the, most plausible space shows ever.
The Wheel of Time. The books were, in my view, better than Game of Thrones. They're doing a pretty good job of the TV series. There's some things left out (as always) and they play some games with the time line (without breaking anything). All necessary if you're going to fit one book into an 8 hour season. I have not watched the season finale yet, but the rest of the season has been excellent.
Dexter: New Blood. I waffle on this one. I think they have some good ideas, but they're still trying to find their stride.
I tried Wheel of Time and the acting was so awkward, I found it hard to watch. Felt like something aimed at teens, like the Shannara Chronicles series that was on a few years ago (didn't get very far into that, either). Like you, I enjoyed the books. I'll give it another shot, if you say it's good.

Expanse was really good, particularly after the first half of season one, when all of the characters are introduced.
My daughter left today for bootcamp. She just sent me a text that she landed in TX. We figured it out last night she is the 5th generation in a row to serve in the US Military. My great grandfather was Army, my grandfather and grandmother were Marines, my dad was Coast Guard, I was Marines and now she is Air Force.
My daughter left today for bootcamp. She just sent me a text that she landed in TX. We figured it out last night she is the 5th generation in a row to serve in the US Military. My great grandfather was Army, my grandfather and grandmother were Marines, my dad was Coast Guard, I was Marines and now she is Air Force.
So what I hear you saying is someone in your family finally has some sense! Seriously, best of luck to her and thanks to you and your family for your service.

My family is similar. Mostly army, back to the revolution. My dad and mom were both Air Force. My two oldest brothers were Navy, my other brother was airborne in the army (101st) and as the youngest (and smartest) I enlisted in the Air Force. :)

So excited for her.
My daughter left today for bootcamp. She just sent me a text that she landed in TX. We figured it out last night she is the 5th generation in a row to serve in the US Military. My great grandfather was Army, my grandfather and grandmother were Marines, my dad was Coast Guard, I was Marines and now she is Air Force.
I thank each and every one of you for your service. Very, very impressive and very much appreciated.
There is what appears to be a new, somewhat schizophrenic Troll out there in the wilds of the web on martial arts forums...getting just waiting to see if he finds MT
So what I hear you saying is someone in your family finally has some sense! Seriously, best of luck to her and thanks to you and your family for your service.

My family is similar. Mostly army, back to the revolution. My dad and mom were both Air Force. My two oldest brothers were Navy, my other brother was airborne in the army (101st) and as the youngest (and smartest) I enlisted in the Air Force. :)

So excited for her.
So in my town, we have a Marine, Army, and Navy Recruiter. The closest Airforce Recruiter was about an hour away. So when we met him I asked him why there was no Airforce recruiter in the office with the other 3 branches in my town. He said we dont have to recruit that hard. I asked what he meant. He said all you former Marines and Army parents are our best recruiters you send all your kids to the Air Force. He wasn't wrong lol.
There is what appears to be a new, somewhat schizophrenic Troll out there in the wilds of the web on martial arts forums...getting just waiting to see if he finds MT

Scanning the locked thread from the dude, there was one thing about copy/pasting symbols. PSA: the windows key+; (semi-colon) opens up a window where you can choose a lot of cool stuff.
  • emojis, including some fun ones like 💥🍾🥋 or 🥊
  • Kaomojis, like (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ or ಠ_ಠ
  • And text symbols and alternatives, like ℉, £, or ⨗.
Works in pretty much any rich text window, so like MS Teams, email apps, forums like this one... though the actual output may look different.
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