I don't think they're clear yet on why it causes loss of taste and smelling. They are related (smell is a large portion of taste), but not the same, so I suspect physiological psychologists will be studying this for many decades, along with the immunologists.From my current experience I can understand how it is hard to differentiate. I feel totally fine today but of course will honor the 10-day quarantine. I have had zero fever and have never lost my taste or smell. I just felt cruddy for a few days.
My wife says she has completely lost her taste and smell. She has always had sinus issues so I assume this is a factor. She never had a fever but has more pronounced Flu-like symptoms. We are on day 6 since symptoms and day 5 since testing. There has been a mild outbreak at our church so we assume this is where we got it.
It has been hard on me not being able to go to job sites or interact with customers but manageable. Farming stuff is solo most of the time anyway. Property management is pretty self-guiding. Schools are running as usual.
My wife can do almost all of her work remote with the exception of hearings/trials/pre-trial which fortunately has not been an issue.
Depending on how you look at it, I suppose you could say it is just a cold (a coronavirus). The crud is the crud to me. Honestly, I felt pretty ripped off after getting tested. It cost me $300 and all it got me was "go to Walgreens and get some Zicam. Googling for Covid information is frustrating to say the least. The CDC site is hard for me to navigate and very circular on information. I have yet to find any information on why it causes loss of taste/smell. The lack of information (at least for a layperson) is appalling.
I do not like the information I have read about high doses of zinc so have shied away from the Zicam. We have used mullein all my life for cold/Flu. Seems to help considerably.