Last Poster #7

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Wiped out several wasp nests around the outside of the house, killed a bunch of centipedes (nasty bastards out here) wiped out about a third of the mud wasps, I'll leave the others be. Getting ready for a puppy. :)

Those Vietnamese centipedes you have there are enough to make me never want to live there
Those Vietnamese centipedes you have there are enough to make me never want to live there

I can totally see that, they are the nastiest of things. We used to live at 4,000 feet elevation years ago, too cold that high for them. Only at two thousand feet, so they're around some.
Ahhh.. just did the SMK Winter Keiko 2021, done virtually this year, such an incredible experience, got so much out of it. In my timezone it maaay have been from 3am-7:30am haha.. but feel so energized after. Physically tired but on a deeper level invigorated. During the last session the sun was rising... magical.
Just paid off $60,584 in mortgage debt. For the third time in my adult life we are completely debt free. We will see how long it last this time.

Congratulations, been there myself a few tines....but ever time there is no wife goes and buys another house
all the bugs in Australia are monstrous and or deadly...they have spiders as big as your head.....just about everything in Australia wants to kill you....heck...they have 6 foot hopping rats that will punch you in the face and then eviscerate you....I'd rather go to Hawaii with the vietnamese centipedes...
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