Last Poster #7

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Oh, and brother-in-law is a tool.
when his brother could have used his support (when I went under the knife) he could not get off work, but he will be coming to town for the Thanksgiving meal. He's a fair-weather johnson you can't rely on. Unless your thing is to be lectured by him on things you told him a week ago, and how much money he spends on his life. the million-dollar house, the $600 bottle of booze he supposedly swills on a constant basis. He knows all about soccer, although he thought it to be boring until his bosses turned out to like it, is an expert on horse racing (even though he could not pick the front end of a horse from a cow).
He's an irritating know-it-all. But he is Hubby's baby brother. I think is a rub and a snob, trying to keep up with the Joneses.
(and the whole family lies when they think they can one-up you, or to cover favoritism)
There is no way he can afford the house on 100k a year with a relatively recent bankruptcy without a co-signer.
Not my problem. Just a math puzzle.
And just a vent.
Need some Ibu, my head is hurting.
Personally, I am more than ready to go, but I have to look at things closely. But I am guessing I will be there for a little less than 5 years, possibly 6. Mrs Wu is not on board for my retirement in 2 years
One of our guys just retired from his second LE career.

Word is that, within 2 weeks, his wife was already sending job application in for him and setting up interviews...
Having mixed emotions right now. Still in my PJs.
Blizzard was giving out free transfers from low population servers to busier places. So the remaining few pack up and move, when a resident there tells me those folks are wanting to up and leave in December. I am starting to hate Blizzard. I wonder f they are in breach of contract by making the game basically unplayable. those are First World Problems though.

Yesterday my dad was buried. In my absence. As I had Surgery 3 weeks ago, and I will have to see an oncologist on Monday.
Four days ago my sister's uncle passed away as well. (a slight chuckle, imagining how my dad would greet him in the afterlife 'what are you doing here' - but it lightened the mood, and would have been true to form)
Hubby is moping around, his issues compounded by worry about my situation.
And yeah, his family is being stupid for the Holidays. But that is A-Ok with me. I was not planning on attending any gatherings this year either. Although word has it they are all vaccinated.

I am feeling rather unproductive, even if I managed to save almost 2000 PDFs in a week. Another First World Problem: the proprietor of one of my favorite websites is calling it quits The lady has amassed an incredible body of work, designing an insane amount of clothing for fashion dolls.
(and some of the files saved with the watermark turning into a gray bar, obscuring the print)

Drinking green tea. I had wine last night and it did not agree with me.
This post makes me wish there was a 'care' button. I pray all is well with you and yours.
Having mixed emotions right now. Still in my PJs.
Blizzard was giving out free transfers from low population servers to busier places. So the remaining few pack up and move, when a resident there tells me those folks are wanting to up and leave in December. I am starting to hate Blizzard. I wonder f they are in breach of contract by making the game basically unplayable. those are First World Problems though.

Yesterday my dad was buried. In my absence. As I had Surgery 3 weeks ago, and I will have to see an oncologist on Monday.
Four days ago my sister's uncle passed away as well. (a slight chuckle, imagining how my dad would greet him in the afterlife 'what are you doing here' - but it lightened the mood, and would have been true to form)
Hubby is moping around, his issues compounded by worry about my situation.
And yeah, his family is being stupid for the Holidays. But that is A-Ok with me. I was not planning on attending any gatherings this year either. Although word has it they are all vaccinated.

I am feeling rather unproductive, even if I managed to save almost 2000 PDFs in a week. Another First World Problem: the proprietor of one of my favorite websites is calling it quits The lady has amassed an incredible body of work, designing an insane amount of clothing for fashion dolls.
(and some of the files saved with the watermark turning into a gray bar, obscuring the print)

Drinking green tea. I had wine last night and it did not agree with me.
Sounds like you have a lot to deal with right now. I’m really sorry you’re having to handle all that at once. 🙁
Having mixed emotions right now. Still in my PJs.
Blizzard was giving out free transfers from low population servers to busier places. So the remaining few pack up and move, when a resident there tells me those folks are wanting to up and leave in December. I am starting to hate Blizzard. I wonder f they are in breach of contract by making the game basically unplayable. those are First World Problems though.

Yesterday my dad was buried. In my absence. As I had Surgery 3 weeks ago, and I will have to see an oncologist on Monday.
Four days ago my sister's uncle passed away as well. (a slight chuckle, imagining how my dad would greet him in the afterlife 'what are you doing here' - but it lightened the mood, and would have been true to form)
Hubby is moping around, his issues compounded by worry about my situation.
And yeah, his family is being stupid for the Holidays. But that is A-Ok with me. I was not planning on attending any gatherings this year either. Although word has it they are all vaccinated.

I am feeling rather unproductive, even if I managed to save almost 2000 PDFs in a week. Another First World Problem: the proprietor of one of my favorite websites is calling it quits The lady has amassed an incredible body of work, designing an insane amount of clothing for fashion dolls.
(and some of the files saved with the watermark turning into a gray bar, obscuring the print)

Drinking green tea. I had wine last night and it did not agree with me.
I'm so very sorry... that is definitely a lot.... deepest condolences... please be gentle with yourself and take good care of yourself.

Sending my thoughts and love
Having mixed emotions right now. Still in my PJs.
Blizzard was giving out free transfers from low population servers to busier places. So the remaining few pack up and move, when a resident there tells me those folks are wanting to up and leave in December. I am starting to hate Blizzard. I wonder f they are in breach of contract by making the game basically unplayable. those are First World Problems though.

Yesterday my dad was buried. In my absence. As I had Surgery 3 weeks ago, and I will have to see an oncologist on Monday.
Four days ago my sister's uncle passed away as well. (a slight chuckle, imagining how my dad would greet him in the afterlife 'what are you doing here' - but it lightened the mood, and would have been true to form)
Hubby is moping around, his issues compounded by worry about my situation.
And yeah, his family is being stupid for the Holidays. But that is A-Ok with me. I was not planning on attending any gatherings this year either. Although word has it they are all vaccinated.

I am feeling rather unproductive, even if I managed to save almost 2000 PDFs in a week. Another First World Problem: the proprietor of one of my favorite websites is calling it quits The lady has amassed an incredible body of work, designing an insane amount of clothing for fashion dolls.
(and some of the files saved with the watermark turning into a gray bar, obscuring the print)

Drinking green tea. I had wine last night and it did not agree with me.
Hoping this is a new and better day for you....
that is a GREAT was Almonds
Then it was mislabeled... Chase 'em down for false advertising! They'll at least make sure that you get a bar with 2 almonds -- or take the S of the label. :D

You know what though... as I think about it, I'm really impressed that they made sure it was the last bite... I mean, you could easily have started from the other end, and then realized you weren't given the proper number of almondS...
got on a 12 foot ladder today, against medical advice, but things needed to get done. I survived that....almost fell off once, due to the knee and regaining balance.....but was good...... then after I put the ladder away..... promptly ran right into my wife's car's rear bumper with my knee (replaced knee)

Went back into the house and tripped over the dishwasher door when I was unloading it...with the same knee..... being a slow learner...i then tripped over the same dang dishwasher door while loading the dishwasher...same dang knee..... knee got angry, swelled up and gave out.... now sitting with it elevated wrapped in ice...... PT tomorrow..... I might be in trouble.....
got on a 12 foot ladder today, against medical advice, but things needed to get done. I survived that....almost fell off once, due to the knee and regaining balance.....but was good...... then after I put the ladder away..... promptly ran right into my wife's car's rear bumper with my knee (replaced knee)

Went back into the house and tripped over the dishwasher door when I was unloading it...with the same knee..... being a slow learner...i then tripped over the same dang dishwasher door while loading the dishwasher...same dang knee..... knee got angry, swelled up and gave out.... now sitting with it elevated wrapped in ice...... PT tomorrow..... I might be in trouble.....
Putting pressure on the new knee cap feels weird doesn't ?!?
I helped a friend trim out a 4' end wall on his business with barn wood yesterday. It is 95' long and it was all ladder work. I can honestly say the new knee held up Way better than the other knee.
I forgot my knee pads and some of the work was from above reaching over while setting on your knees. That eventually got painful but it did take a while. That pins and needles feeling.
Got a heavyweight canvas gi comin my way! Been ages since I've gotten a new one, and I've never experienced a canvas one.

I'm sure there may be a breaking in period... will scour the MT threads for any tips on these! Or just, "train in it" may be all that's required 🤣
Got a heavyweight canvas gi comin my way! Been ages since I've gotten a new one, and I've never experienced a canvas one.

I'm sure there may be a breaking in period... will scour the MT threads for any tips on these! Or just, "train in it" may be all that's required 🤣
Definitely a break in period. If you do not mind it fading a bit several washes in hot water and a good drying each time will loosen it up some. Depending on the thread weight they never fully relax.

I wear the heavyweight Carhardtt work pants in the winter. Even when they are old enough to have holes in them they are still pretty stiff.
Putting pressure on the new knee cap feels weird doesn't ?!?
I helped a friend trim out a 4' end wall on his business with barn wood yesterday. It is 95' long and it was all ladder work. I can honestly say the new knee held up Way better than the other knee.
I forgot my knee pads and some of the work was from above reaching over while setting on your knees. That eventually got painful but it did take a while. That pins and needles feeling.

All I have to say is your friend....
spent 30 minutes with my knee wrapped in ice yesterday, not to bad today
Mrs Xue made red bean buns yesterday...she does not use canned beans of red bean paste. She slow cooks red beans into a paste and then makes the buns..she bake them this time instead of steaming them..... that was breakfast and they are yummy
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