Last Poster #7

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Sooooo, is this like a "chat room" like in other forums such as fandom (chat got canceled with the recent update :( so I use discord instead)?
A priest, a rabbit, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit, "What'll you have?" The rabbit says, "Don't ask me, I'm only hear because of autocorrect."
Ok no one answered
A lot of us are in time zones where we're at work still, and most of us also only check on here a couple times a day. For reference, you have posted on here in 2 days more than everyone but me has in 17; and I'm only posting as much as I am this month because I was studying and need distractions to process the information. Not that that's a bad thing, just as an example of the average posters activity level.
Ok, this has been a mixed week, and it's only Wednesday.
Well, a mixed month....

So, when I took dearly departed kitty to the vet, I had to attest the breaks on the Silverado were really bad.
So bad I expected the wheel to explode when I stepped on the pedal hard.

So we bought new parts, took it to the repair place.
We (naturally) bought the wrong parts, seeing that the front breaks were ok, the rear was shotty.
got that fixed, and got instructions from the mechanic to get new tires for the front.

On the way there (and the part store to return unused parts) the steering locked up.
quick diagnosis: not enough fluid in the system.
So I go and return the parts, while kiddo replaces the stirring fluid and heads out to walmart for tires.

I only had the receipt for half of the parts (why do people not listen?! Bring the mfing receipts!)
Alas, the return went smoothly. charges reversed to the card, no boat anchors in the car.

So, explanation, the whole thing from locked up stirring to part return happened on less than a mile stretch of road!
I head towards wally world in anticipation of the tire change.
I pull up in the parking lot to talk to the kid, when I remember - too late - that the window had been frozen shut during the night before the 'blizzard' of 2021.
As I rolled the window down, it jumped the track and got wedged.
Now I have a pane that won't roll either way, and a 4" gap.
Covered by a stylish trashbag right now.

I need a new car.
I have had it with those old scrap heaps!
You guys lose power? Hope not. Stay warm.
Yeah. It's back now. Luckily for me, the water pipes to my house were fairly deeply buried so I didnt lose water. My neighbor wasn't so lucky there. Power hasn't turned off all day today, and water is still on so all seems fine so far.

That pic is MASSIVE

It was hilarious watching my lil chihuahua jump and disappear into the snow. Did not take her long to run back inside.
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