Last Person #5

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I was the voice of reason, and Mrs Xue wasn't, in dealing with a business/county issue today,. I think that may be a sign of the apocalypse
Headphones and the Blues brothers are a wonderful thing...especially if you are trying to drown out the political discussions you want no part of that are going on around you

Young Bec is fighting again.

Isnt that a cool promo shot.
Translations can become funny quite quickly. There was actually a book published once (19th century, IIRC) that was supposed to be a guide to English for Portuguese (I think). Unfortunately, they didn't have anyone who spoke the target language (English), so they used a dictionary. Except they didn't have a Portuguese-English dictionary, either. But they had an old Portuguese-French phrasebook, and a French-English dictionary, so...

I survived a week in the woods surrounded by 9 to 10 year old Webelos Cub Scouts. With significant rainfall the first few days. Got rescued about 20 times from "peanut buttering" (because to actually say help or drown in a training setting just might cause issues with the working guards...) by the kids. Though I think my son wasn't too sure he wanted to rescue me... seemed more interested in hitting me in the head with the throwing bouy... My Cub with leukemia (love that shitty disease!!) got to do everything, including a 6 mile hike. Up a mountain. My son got peed on by a toad, and held turtles... and went out by himself in a "funoe" -- a yellow plastic canoe like boat. And I got to swim while trying to paddle a "funyack" -- same only a kayak. Lots of other cool moments... like my son saluting the Quartermaster (who just graduated, and was commissioned as a US Marine.) The same Quartemaster along with another counselor who comforted and supported my son who was "too homesick to have fun."

Yeah, I'd do it again. Tired as hell, but I'd go back tomorrow...
I am not sure Mrs Xue knows what she just did....she was at an estate sale and said she saw a 1966 Cadillac for sale for $1600...and she says it looked good....if she's right it is gone by now....but she wants me to go look at it tomorrow......I may just buy it if it is still there if it what she says it is..... irony here is almost 30 years ago I had the chance to buy a 1963 Cadillac convertible with the restoration done. All it needed was a paint job and a new top...and it was $1600.... but I did not buy it because I had no place to keep it at that time
maybe fate is smiling at you
this one place has a 1970/80 Mercedes Coup sitting out front.
there were never that many to begin with, so I think this is the same one I saw a while back offered for 4500.

I don't have spare money at all, or I'd be tempted to look at it.
But that place is like in Black Beauty, the last stop before the crusher......
I just remember the lady who let mys sister ride her horses in the late 70s, early 80s, had a coup like this.
Hmm....Sis would have loved it, I am sure.
1966 Cadillac Continued
Mrs Xue is great at math....but horrible with numbers....... she said $1,600, it was $16,000.

It is a 1966 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible that no one is making offers on and I could likely get it for $8,000 to $10,000 but....someone decided to customize it, it has a Thrush Exhaust system, mag wheels and bigger (hot rod type) tires on it.
Needs a back side window, needs a new front bumper and all of the chrome needs to come off to be re-chromed.

Interior looks good, but it is a fully loaded Eldorado with all the bells and whistles meaning absolutely everything inside is electric and I have no idea if it all works...and that is wiring. Top is good, just needs cleaned

Not going to buy it.....however the 1963 Corvette convertible across te street looked nice..... but sadly.... it is not for sale and if it would not be anywhere near $16,000
1966 Cadillac Continued
Mrs Xue is great at math....but horrible with numbers....... she said $1,600, it was $16,000.

It is a 1966 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible that no one is making offers on and I could likely get it for $8,000 to $10,000 but....someone decided to customize it, it has a Thrush Exhaust system, mag wheels and bigger (hot rod type) tires on it.
Needs a back side window, needs a new front bumper and all of the chrome needs to come off to be re-chromed.

Interior looks good, but it is a fully loaded Eldorado with all the bells and whistles meaning absolutely everything inside is electric and I have no idea if it all works...and that is wiring. Top is good, just needs cleaned

Not going to buy it.....however the 1963 Corvette convertible across te street looked nice..... but sadly.... it is not for sale and if it would not be anywhere near $16,000
That's a shame - I was looking forward to hearing the progression of that car.
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